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Teacher Education & Leadership

Education Specialist, Ed.S.

The Ed.S. program challenges students with an existing AA licensure in another area of professional education who desire to enhance their abilities as teachers and administrators.

Earn An Education Specialist, Ed.S. from MC

Upgrade your licensure while enhancing your ability as teacher or administrator to meet the needs of students in the modern classroom.

The Department of Teacher Education and Leadership offers Specialist degree programs in Elementary Education (K-12) and Educational Leadership. The Specialist degree builds on an existing AA licensure in another area of professional education.


General Requirements

  • All general requirements for admission to the Graduate School at Mississippi College must be met initially.
  • All student seeking the Ed.S. Degree in Ed. Leadership, must have a Class AA License in an area of professional education.
  • Candidates must have a 3.25 GPA on all prior graduate work.
  • Candidates must supply three letters of recommendation from persons familiar with the applicant’s character, scholarship, and potential for successful completion of the program (One must come from the candidate’s current administrator).
  • Candidates must provide proof of three years of prior teaching experience in their licensed area, in an accredited school.
  • Candidates must schedule an interview with the program advisor.
  • Candidates must successfully complete a writing assessment.
  • After 12 hours of coursework, candidates must have and maintain a 3.25 GPA on all work in the Ed.S. Program.
  • Candidates must write and defend a research-based project completed during the Ed.S. Program at MS College. Candidates must have a 3.25 GPA, in order to defend their research-based project, before graduation requirements can be considered completed.
  • All work for the degree must be worked-on and completed according to the cohort schedule.
  • Graduates of the Ed.S. Program in Educational Leadership must pass the SLLA, before they can apply for the Class AAA License in Administration.