MC School of Law Hosts Forum on Gospel Justice for the Poor

An estimated 45 million Americans are living in poverty and the deep-seated problem shows no signs of going away.
Finding good legal help for millions of Americans struggling financially remains another key issue that needs to be addressed.
On May 29, the Mississippi College School of Law and Mission First Legal Aid will tackle these concerns at a forum on the MC Law campus in downtown Jackson.
Speakers will include: Bruce Strom, one of America’s leading advocates for gospel justice for the poor. Also booked: Patty Gandy, founding director of the Mission First Legal Aid Office at the law school since 2006. Jackson writer and attorney Martin Willoughby, Jr. rounds out the list of speakers.
“I am excited that MC Law will be hosting this important symposium,” said law dean Wendy Scott.
“The idea of gospel justice is consistent with our mission as a Christian law school which requires that we offer our help to the least of these in our community,” Scott added.
In 2000, Strom started Administer Justice in Chicago. The group worked with the poor to provide educational outreach and legal assistance plus financial counseling. In 2011, Strom was among the leaders creating the Gospel Justice Initiative to defend the rights of the poor and provide gospel hope.
The cost to attend the forum that begins at 9 a.m. that Friday is $150 before a May 22 deadline. It will be $175 after that date. The cost to pastors is $75. The event is open to the public.
For more information, contact MC Law public relations coordinator Bethany Cole at 601-925-7149.
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