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 At Mississippi College, we understand that studying abroad can be a very exciting, but sometimes daunting, prospect. To help you explore your options, we have provided a list of frequently asked questions, both for students and for parents

If you have any further questions contact us at | 601-925-3944.

For Students | Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to participate? Can I study abroad as a night student or online student? What about graduate students?
    All MC students, regardless of major, are eligible.  However, not all programs grant graduate credit. 

  2. Do the credits earned in study abroad programs show as transfer credits on my MC transcript? 
    Most of our programs allow MC students to register as if they were taking courses on campus. Study abroad staff and advisors will help students during registration process.  
    For our affiliate and exchange programs, students enroll at MC and take classes abroad at the host university and the credits . These classes must first be approved by the department then approved by the Registrar's Office. 
    The process requires face-to-face communication with your advisor well before registration opens.  PLAN AHEAD!

  3. Do the programs include excursions to cities other than the host city?
    Some programs do include excursions in the cost and details are discussed well before departure.  However, students who choose to travel independently are responsible for those costs. 

  4. Where do students live?
    Students studying with a language programs are required to live in a home-stay environment. This may be a single parent and child, a married couple, a retired couple, or many other options. Every family is vetted and most have been partners with the language program for years.
    Non-language program accommodations vary from residence halls to flats to hotels.  Program directors will tell you more during the initial meeting.  

  5. How much does it cost to study abroad?
    The costs vary from country to country.  There are a few semester opportunities comparable to the cost of a typical MC semester of tuition, room and board.   Specific details (tuition, airfare, visa, excursions, etc.) are discussed in advising meetings with the Mac Center Director.

  6. Is financial aid available?
    Students should contact a financial aid counselor for details and specific questions relating to their aid packages.

  7. How and when do I apply?
    For application deadlines and next steps, see Study Abroad: Next Steps.

For Parents | Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is it safe for my child to go abroad?
    Each program has a yearly assessment which includes safety as a top item of concern. The US Department of State establishes and publishes Travel Advisories. If any program destination is tagged Level 3 or higher, we re-assess the risk and will postpone a program if necessary.  Additionally, we receive updates from OSAC (the Overseas Security Advisory Council operated by the US Department of State) concerning safety abroad. 
  2. What happens in the case of an emergency?
    Each program has an emergency procedure and an on-site coordinator.  This information is provided in the orientation and pre-departure sessions. In an emergency, students know to contact the designated on-site coordinator and the Director of the Mac Center at MC. Further protocols are followed depending on the emergency. 
  3. How can I help my child manage risk while abroad?
    Begin talking to your child about the dangers of traveling alone, the use of alcohol and/or drugs, and about the importance of maintaining mental and physical health. Teach them common sense travel norms such as how to safely pack and carry necessary valuables, how to properly use an ATM,  to be aware of surroundings and avoid dark streets at night, not to accept food or drink from strangers, to protect their beverage while out in a restaurant or club, and to understand the forward nature of some cultures abroad.
  4. Will my child be treated fairly?
    Your child will always be treated fairly and equally by MC faculty and staff.  Students and parents are encouraged to investigate the host culture to best prepare for cultural differences.  Parents should emphasize to students the importance of communicating with the director abroad about any issues that may arise.
  5. How much involvement should I have in this process?
    You can certainly help in the planning stages, getting a passport, and determining the financial part of the experience. Get your child to start thinking on a global scale: watch the national news and keep up with world events, monitor events on campus and make international friends, and investigate the culture prior to departure. Once your child has decided to do the abroad program, you should insist that he/she do the application and all steps that lead up to departure. This teaches them the discipline and independence they will need for the whole experience. It will always be good to confirm that forms have been turned in, but more importantly, to reassure them that being a little scared is normal. Encourage them to maintain the right attitude and remind them of the “why” they are going abroad. 
  6. How can I stay connected while my child is abroad?
    Being connected is easier than ever! Your child will have access to the internet while abroad. This makes emailing, texts, and even calls, free. Absent of an international wireless plan, app-based calling systems like WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, or other ways to stay connected. We do encourage less contact in general with your child so that he/she can be fully immersed in the new culture. Stay in touch, but not too much!
  7. What about getting money to my child abroad?
    The easiest way to keep money “controlled” is to set up a new shared checking account with your child while abroad and designate it for the abroad account. Your child can begin saving for the abroad program in advance. In addition, you can make deposits into that account if money is needed. Wire transfers are possible but discouraged.  Please contact credit issuers BEFORE departure to discuss international charges.  Program directors can advise on most accepted credit cards in the host country.
  8. I have heard that reverse culture shock is real. How do I help my child when he/she returns home?
    Yes, coming back home is often a hard transition for some families. Your child has changed in many ways through their experience, some superficial, some more substantial. Students often return home more independent and with a strong desire to travel again in the near future. Your child will want to tell you about the new things that he/she has experienced. Please listen and encourage them to share. Encourage your child to think beyond just the experience, and to identify the skills gained abroad which can be transferred into real life for the future.

How to Apply

For further steps on when and how to apply to study abroad, please visit Study Abroad: Next Steps.


We would be happy to assist you with anything questions you may have. Please contact us at