MC Alert: Mississippi College will shift to remote operations on Tuesday, January 21. All classes will transition to remote instruction on Tuesday with normal in-person operations expected to resume on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Learn More
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The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is housed in the third and fourth floors of Hederman Science building, as well as the fourth floor and one room on the first floor of the Math, Computer Science, & Chemistry (MCC) building.

John W. Legg Conference Room

This elegant conference room was dedicated to Dr. John Legg during Homecoming 2007 for 40 years of service to the department. The focal point in the room is a bust of Dr. Legg commissioned from Dr. Samuel Gore. The room houses recent journal acquisitions of the department, a solid cherry table and podium, white boards, and audio-visual equipment. The room is well suited for meetings, thesis defenses, and small classes.

Archie H. Germany Lecture Hall

This lecture hall is dedicated to Dr. Archie Germany, former professor and chair of the department. It is located in MCC 402.  It is equipped with a state-of-the-art multimedia system and is in almost constant use for chemistry lectures and demonstrations.

Computational Chemistry Research Laboratory

The laboratory of the Computational Chemistry Group is located in Hederman 418A. The lab currently contains five dual-processor Opteron Linux workstations; four dual-core, dual-processor Opteron Linux workstations; one dual-core, quad-processor Opteron Linux workstation; and one 32-processor Beowulf cluster.

Ray Hannah Computer Laboratory

A laboratory equipped with eleven Dell 1.7 Ghz Pentium-4 computers available to chemistry majors or anyone enrolled in a chemistry course. Internet access is available, as well as word processing, chemical-structure drawing software, spreadsheet applications, molecular modeling software, protein structure-analysis tools, and fundamental chemistry drills.  Several of the computers are used for chemistry research and are equipped for complex computations, chemical modeling and spectral analysis.

Instrumental Laboratory

An instrument laboratory containing up-to-date equipment that students are encouraged to learn to operate in upper level chemistry course work.  Some featured equipment include an FT-IR spectrometer, a gas chromograph, a GC with mass selective detector,  a polarimeter,  and UV-visable spectrometer.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory

This laboratory, located on the ground floor of the Math, Computer Science & Chemistry (MCC) building, was specifically designed to house a high-field NMR. The laboratory is currently equipped with JEOL Eclipse 400 MHz FT-NMR & Varian EM360L 60MHz spectrometers.  Used primarily to support the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, the lab is also used to support faculty and student research.

Organic Laboratory

A laboratory specifically designed to house the organic chemistry course. This lab design includes benchtop ventilation hoods for each student, a separate equipment-laboratory which houses the digital melting-point apparati and balances, and modern microscale glassware kits.

Biochemistry Laboratory

A recently updated laboratory designed to reinforce concepts taught in biochemistry courses and to teach techniques used in biochemistry research. Equipment includes a refrigerated centrifuge, electrophoresis equipment, differential scanning calorimeter, lluminescence/fluorescence spectrometers, high pressure liquid chromatography system (HPLC), and two multi-cell diode-array UV-visable spectrometers suitable for performing enzyme-kinetics experiments.

There are also various laboratories relating to different disciplines of chemistry such as inorganic, physical, and analytical. Research laboratories and facilities are also available in the department.

MC Alert

Mississippi College will shift to remote operations on Tuesday, January 21. All classes will transition to remote instruction on Tuesday with normal in-person operations expected to resume on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Learn More