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Department of Communication

Sports Communication

This Master of Science degree prepares you for a future career by providing real-world experience and building your portfolio.

Earn Your Master of Science in Sports Communication 

Learn to manage media coverage of sporting events, analyze data to inform sports-related decisions, and craft compelling messages to engage audiences and enhance the impact of sports media.

Elevate Your Career in Sports Media with a Master of Science in Sports Communication

As a student in the Master of Science in Sports Communication program, you are prepared to work in a variety of sports-related careers at the professional, college, and high school levels. This program emphasizes the development of communication skills designed to be employed in administrative and creative roles.

Requirements Class Name Hours
Graduate Communication Core   18
COM 5443 Public Relations 3
COM 5449 Intercultural Communication 3
COM 6501 Graduate Writing & Research 3
COM 6502 Process & Effects of Communication 3
COM 6520 Communication Ethics & Persuasion 3
COM 6600 Graduate Capstone 3
Required Program Courses   15
COM 5442 Communication Law 3
COM 5453 Sports Public Relations 3
COM 5457 Strategic Crisis Communication 3
COM 5474 Media Analytics 3
KIN Elective — Choose One: KIN 6200 Societal & Ethical Trends in Athletics 
KIN 6300 NCAA Rules & Regulations 
KIN 6500 Athletic Administration 
Total    33