MC Alert: Mississippi College will shift to remote operations on Tuesday, January 21. All classes will transition to remote instruction on Tuesday with normal in-person operations expected to resume on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Learn More
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KIN 105 Comprehensive Health Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Basic information for the adoption of satisfactory personal health habits is studied.

KIN 107 First Aid and CPR Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Successful completion of this course entitles the student to National Safety Council training in First Aid and American Heart Association training in CPR.

KIN 123 Fitness For Life Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

This course is designed to promote all components of fitness so that the student is able to develop a personal exercise program. Stress management and weight management will also be covered.

KIN 124 Nutrition for Well-Being Credit - 1 sem. hr.

This course is a study of basic nutrition concepts relating to optimum health, proper selection of foods, and aerobic exercise to meet the needs of the individual through the life cycle. This course should not be taken after taking KIN 211 or KIN 402.

KIN 150 Foundations and History of Physical Activity and Sport Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

This course provides an introduction to the study of human movement with emphasis on the historical foundations and philosophical concepts of physical activity and sport.

KIN 191 Drug Education Credit - 1 sem. hr.

An overview of the physiological and psycho-social aspects of drugs and their abuse. Course focuses on drug abuse prevention and effective drug education.

KIN 210 Introduction to Driver Education Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, driver’s license
Critical analysis of traffic accidents, attitude factors, essential knowledge of automobile operation, traffic laws and regulations; laboratory experiences for developing driving skills.

KIN 211 Basic Principles of Nutrition Credit - 3 sem. hr.

A study of basic nutrition throughout the life cycle, incorporating the nutrients and their relationship to various socio-economic, cultural, and regional conditions.

KIN 219 General Principles of Safety Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Principles, procedures and materials for teaching safety in the school, home and community.

KIN 226 Teaching Team Sports Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

This course is designed to prepare students for successful teaching of team sport activities in the school or fitness facility setting. Students are exposed to rules, strategies, organization, and skill development in team sports. Emphasis is placed on the teaching and learning process throughout the grade levels.

KIN 227 Teaching Individual/Dual Sport Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

This course is designed to prepare students for successful teaching of individual/dual sport activities in the school or fitness facility setting. Students are exposed to rules, strategies, organization and skill development in individual and dual sports. Emphasis is placed on the teaching and learning process throughout the various grade levels.

KIN 228 Teaching Lifetime Sports Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

This course is designed to assist students in developing a quality, enjoyable lifetime physical fitness program for children of all ages.

KIN 282 Management of Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport Programs Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 150
The management and organization theories and principles of physical education, fitness, and sport programs. Emphasis will be placed on leadership skills, program development, fiscal management, ethics, risk management, and governing and professional organizations in sport and fitness.

KIN 286 Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 150
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the principles and techniques of measurement and evaluation in kinesiology.

KIN 300 Practicum in Kinesiology Credit - 1 sem. hr.

Prerequisite: Junior standing, permission of instructor
Designed to provide an introductory experience in a work setting under the supervision of experienced professionals. Students complete a minimum of 60 clock hours in a fitness or medical facility approved by the instructor.

KIN 302 Professional Protocol Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

This course is designed to include an in-depth study of practices of professional protocol both in the United States and several other countries of interest.

KIN 303 Methods of Teaching Health Education Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: KIN 105 or permission of instructor
This course is designed to develop an understanding of the skills and techniques necessary to bring about the most desirable learning in students. An STAI portfolio will be prepared and evaluated.

KIN 304 Methods and Materials in Driver Education Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 210
Preparation of university students to teach Driver Education in secondary schools.

KIN 306 Methods and Materials of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary Schools Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: EDU 300
This course is designed for physical education and classroom teachers of elementary school physical education. Specific learning experiences related to fundamental motor skills, health-related physical fitness, and wellness will be emphasized.

KIN 307 Methods and Materials of Teaching Physical Education in Secondary Schools Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: KIN 150 and EDU 300
This course provides materials and methods for teaching secondary physical education.

KIN 308 Basic Athletic Training Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 150 or BIO 111
Designed to give the student the basic fundamentals and techniques in the  prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care of injuries.

KIN 312 Family Life And Wellness Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor
The major purpose of the course is to explore factors which play a role in building successful family life. Emphasis is placed on social, emotional, and physical readiness for becoming a viable family member.

KIN 313 Principles of Coaching Football Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
Introduction to the fundamentals of coaching football in the high school or collegiate setting.

KIN 314 Principles of Coaching Track and Field Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
Introduction to the fundamentals of coaching track and field in the high school or collegiate setting.

KIN 315 Principles of Coaching Baseball Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
Introduction to the fundamentals of coaching baseball in the high school or collegiate setting.

KIN 316 Principles of Coaching Tennis Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
This course prepares students to teach basic tennis strokes, strategy, and coaching philosophy. The standard teaching method of the Professional Tennis Registry will be used.

KIN 317 Principles of Coaching Basketball Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
Introduction to the fundamentals of coaching basketball in the high school or  collegiate setting.

KIN 318 Principles of Coaching Soccer Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
Introduction to the fundamentals of coaching soccer in the high school or collegiate setting.

KIN 322 Principles of Strength and Conditioning Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Junior standing
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of strength and conditioning and the practical application of these principles.

KIN 326 Sports Nutrition Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 211
This course is designed to meet the special demands of the athlete through proper nutrition, including a focus on ways to improve performance.

KIN 350 Psychology of Sport Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: PSY 201
Introduction to and overview of basic psychological principles applied to sport and exercise performance. Cross-listed as PSY 350.

KIN 385 Motor Development and Learning Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 150
This course examines human movement in relation to motor development and motor learning. Topics include: fundamental motor skill development, changes which occur in skilled movements during the lifespan, and factors related to skill acquisition.

KIN 386 Adapted Physical Education Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 385 or permission of instructor
This course is designed to develop physical education programs and activities for the individual with special needs.

KIN 401 Facility Design and Event Management Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: KIN 282, MGT 371 and MKT 381; or permission of instructor
This course is designed as an overview of the fundamentals of planning and  managing sports facilities and sporting events.

KIN 402 Nutrition and Diet Therapy Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: KIN 211
An overview of normal nutrition, including a study of common diet modifications.

KIN 410 Legal Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: KIN 282
This course examines the legal system, its terminology, and principles as applied to sports and physical activity.

KIN 420 Physiology of Exercise Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: BIO 111. KIN 421 must be taken concurrently
Acute and chronic physiological changes in response to physical exercise with emphasis given to the practical application of exercise training for health, fitness, and athletic performance.

KIN 421 Physiology of Exercise Lab Credit - 1 sem. hr.

Prerequisites: KIN 420 must be taken concurrently
Laboratory techniques in exercise physiology providing students with an opportunity to evaluate and assess physiological parameters and anthropometric characteristics.

KIN 425 Advanced Sports Medicine Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 308
This course focuses on the treatment of sports injuries, specifically field injury  situations, principles of rehabilitation, and proper taping techniques.

KIN 427 Health Education Workshop Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 105 or permission of instructor
An intensive study of the major problems and possible solutions in the area of health education. Cross-listed as EDU 427.

KIN 430 Exercise Prescription and Assessment Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: KIN 420 and KIN 421
The study and practical application of the theory and practice of evaluating fitness and prescribing individualized exercise programs. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription will be utilized.

KIN 451 Current Topics in Kinesiology Credit - 1 sem. hr.

Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair
Selected topics will be offered to address identified needs and interests of kinesiology

KIN 452 Current Topics in Kinesiology Credit - 2 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair
Selected topics will be offered to address identified needs and interests of kinesiology majors.

KIN 453 Current Topics in Kinesiology Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair
Selected topics will be offered to address identified needs and interests of kinesiology majors.

KIN 460 Internship in Kinesiology Credit - 6 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of instructor
A semester long supervised fitness leadership experience during the senior year designed to provide opportunities for students to gain practical experience working in a medical, fitness or recreation facility. A minimum of 300 supervised clock hours is required. Internship site must be approved by academic advisor one semester prior to placement.

KIN 465 Internship in Nutrition Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisites: Minor in Nutrition and approval of Kinesiology faculty
A semester long supervised dietetic experience designed to provide opportunities for students to gain practical experience working in different settings. A minimum of 180 supervised clock hours is required. Internship sites must be approved by the academic advisor one semester prior to placement.

KIN 481 Biomechanics Credit - 3 sem. hrs.

Prerequisite: BIO 111
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of structural and functional kinesiology, and focuses on applying the concepts of mechanics to physical activity and sports performance.

MC Alert

Mississippi College will shift to remote operations on Tuesday, January 21. All classes will transition to remote instruction on Tuesday with normal in-person operations expected to resume on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Learn More