2022-2023 Electrical Engineering Curriculum
For past curricula, please refer to the University Catalog
English (9 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
English Composition I |
ENG 101 |
3 hrs. |
English Composition II |
ENG 102 or 103 |
3 hrs. |
Writing Proficiency Exam |
ENG 099 |
0 hrs. |
And any one of the following:
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
World Masterpieces |
ENG 211 |
3 hrs. |
Survey of British Literature |
ENG 212 |
3 hrs. |
Survey of American Literature |
ENG 213 |
3 hrs. |
History (6 hours required)
Choose one of the following two-semester cycles:
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
World Civilization or |
HIS 103-104 or |
6 hrs. |
History of the United States |
HIS 211-212 |
6 hrs. |
Bible (6 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
Introduction to the Old Testament |
BIB 110 |
3 hrs. |
Introduction to the New Testament |
BIB 120 |
3 hrs. |
Social Sciences (3 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
Economic Principles I |
ECO 231 |
3 hrs. |
Fine Arts (3 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
Art Appreciation |
ART 125 |
3 hrs. |
Music Appreciation |
MUS 125 |
3 hrs. |
Introduction to the Theatre |
THE 125 |
3 hrs. |
Physical Education (2 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
Fitness for Life |
KIN 123 |
2 hrs. |
Nutrition for Well-Being |
KIN 124 |
1 hr. |
Physical Activity Courses |
PED ___ |
1 hr. |
Electrical Engineering Core Courses (45 hours)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
Introduction to Electrical Engineering |
ECE 101 |
2 hrs. |
Logic Design |
ECE 201 |
3 hrs. |
Logic Design Lab |
ECE 202 |
1 hr. |
Electric Circuit Theory |
ECE 301 |
4 hrs. |
Electric Circuit Theory Lab |
ECE 302 |
1 hr. |
Electronics I |
ECE 305 |
3 hrs. |
Electronics I Lab |
ECE 306 |
1 hr. |
Electronics II |
ECE 315 |
3 hrs. |
Electronics II Lab |
ECE 316 |
1 hr. |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers |
ECE 320 |
3 hrs. |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab |
ECE 321 |
1 hr. |
Electromagnetic Theory I |
ECE 325 |
3 hrs. |
Electromagnetic Theory II |
ECE 326 |
3 hrs. |
Signals and Systems |
ECE 330 |
3 hrs. |
Electric Machines |
ECE 401 |
3 hrs. |
Feedback Control Systems | ECE 405 | 3 hrs. |
Communications Systems |
ECE 421 |
3 hrs. |
Senior Design I |
ECE 451 |
2 hrs. |
Senior Design II |
ECE 452 |
2 hrs. |
Service Learning | ECE 490 | 0 hrs. |
Professional Development | ECE 099 | 0 hrs. |
Electrical Engineering Elective Courses (9 hours required)
Nine hours of 400-level ECE courses, with the exception of ECE 401, ECE 405, ECE 421 , ECE 451, and ECE 452. At least three of these hours must be from one of the following courses: ECE 431 , ECE 433 , or ECE 435
Mathematics (21 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
Calculus with Analytic Geometry I, II, III, and IV |
MAT 121, 122, 221, 222 |
12 hrs. |
Introduction to Linear Algebra |
MAT 213 |
3 hrs. |
Introduction to Differential Equations |
MAT 352 |
3 hrs. |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics |
MAT 353 |
3 hrs. |
Physical Science (12 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
General Inorganic Chemistry I |
CHE 141 |
4 hrs. |
Fundamentals of Physics I and II |
PHY 251 and PHY 252 |
8 hrs. |
Computer, Physical and Engineering Science (12 hours required)
Course Name |
Course Number |
Hours |
C for Scientists and Engineers |
CSC 105 |
3 hrs. |
Computational Tools for Engineers |
ESC 205 |
3 hrs. |
or Data Structures For Engineers |
CSC 205 |
or Optics | PHY 313 | |
or Statics | ESC 311 | |
Thermodynamics |
ESC 315 |
3 hrs. |
Students at Mississippi College are also required to complete Chapel requirements based on their classification at the time of enrollment. See the University Catalog for more details.