Electrical Engineering Theory Meets Practical Application
Seniors must complete a design project to graduate. This project provides opportunities for you to use your creativity and gain experience in practical application of theories you’ve learned.
Integrated Traffic Alleviation System
An automated traffic management system is designed using a microcontroller coupled with sensors and a light emitting diode (LED) signaling unit to minimize personnel construction hazards, maximize the economy of workers, and improve traffic flow. This project also facilitates reduced overall cost and creates a more portable system as opposed to trailer-towed systems.
Wirelessly Powered and Networked Sensor (WPNS) System
A predictive maintenance system is designed that consists of a network of wirelessly
communicating devices and energy harvesting modules. This system will automate the surveillance of bus ducts by superseding a technician with networked devices. To
further minimize human intervention, the operation of such devices is lengthened through radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting.
Smart Microphone
A Smart Microphone system is designed to have a database of intervallic patterns derived from a pitch detection study of a custom curation of artists such that when a user sings into the microphone, it will notify the user if he/she sang an intervallic pattern found in the data base. In simpler terms, the Smart Microphone system will notify a user if he/she sings into it a previously identified interval, and it will be
able to play back the user’s audio as well. Because the Smart Microphone system will provide feedback to the user that will allow both visualization and audio of the notes that were sung in comparison to what the user should have sung, he/she will gain specific, constructive criticism needed to write more complex songs.
Automated Hydroponics System
An automated hydroponics system is designed to allow crops to be grown practically anywhere using an autonomous system requiring little to no human interaction. The system is equipped with the capability to monitor the water, nutrients, light, heat, and humidity that is impacting the crop growth, and adjust it to the needs of the plant. This project is designed to water the plants periodically to ensure proper hydration, turn on a heat lamp if the temperature decreases below a given threshold or a fan if it increases above the threshold, and release nutrients into the reservoir in the event of a chemical imbalance in the system.
Thermoelectric Beverage Temperature Controller
A device is designed that can heat or cool a liquid within a set temperature range. This device allows the user to pour their liquid into the top of the device and adjust its temperature using an LED display. Once their preferred temperature is reached, a green light, located on the LED display, will signal that the process is complete. From this point, the user can remove the liquid container and pour the liquid back into their cup.
A Novel Transportation System for Mississippi College Off-Campus Residents
Students in ECE 451 and 452 designed a system that allows students to check-out and use electric scooters as transportation from their housing units and the main campus. Students use ID cards to check-out a scooter from a docking station, and the system stores their ID number as a record of this action. Once the student reaches the main campus, they return the scooter to the nearest charging station to their classroom. The charging station securely locks the scooter in place, begins charging the battery, and records that the student has returned the scooter. Other students can then check-out the scooter once it has recharged its battery to at least 50%. The system also causes an alarm to sound on the scooter if it is removed from the main campus and housing unit area.
Automated Chess System Utilizing Speech Recognition
A chess system featuring automated movements and controlled via voice commands was developed in ECE 451 and 452. The chess system features precise chess piece movements that appear to occur without external force by providing magnetic attraction between the movement piece and a structure designed to provide planar motion through motor control hidden underneath the chess board. Voice control is implemented using a speech recognition procedure which utilizes both Google’s and Apple’s voice recognition application programming interface (API). Thus, the user simply uses their smartphone to provide the chess system with movement commands.
Smart Helmet Utilizing Ultrasonic Sensors and Tracking Capabilities
A novel motorcycle helmet with built-in safety features that may help prevent collisions and call for help in the event of an accident was developed in ECE 451 and 452. The helmet provides the user with a heads up display (HUD) and features proximity sensors (ultrasonic) that may allow intelligent collision avoidance maneuvers to be made more quickly and easily after real-time proximity alerts. Furthermore, an accelerometer alerts the rider of improper braking or turning procedures which may help prevent the most common cause of motorcycle accidents. Finally, accident events are automatically determined by sensors such as accelerometers, ultrasonic, and GPS, and in the event of an accident, a GPS reading is transmitted to the 911 emergency system without the need of user interaction.