Best Practices for Online Video Lectures
The following tips are best practices as we have discovered so far in working with Faculty. More research needs to be conducted to determine what is most effective when it comes to Digital Media Lectures.
- Record segments in a “Closed Environment”
- Keep segments as short as possible - No more than 15 minutes.
- Limit “lecture” to one specific topic or learning objective
- Include visual variety to keep audience interest
- Address online audience directly – Make them feel a part of the experience
Include “Call to Action” at the end of every video
Teaching and Learning Center
- Ext. 3490
TLC Digital Media Services
The TLC has production quality, high definition cameras and can assist faculty and staff on campus in many different ways.
Services Include:
- Recording Lectures or Class Activities for Online Distribution
- Producing Feature Projects such as Departmental Introductions or Documentaries
- Documenting Special Events, Lectures or Ceremonies
- Working with Faculty and Staff to learn how to best incorporate digital media and/or social media into course work
- Hosting Videos through Google Docs and providing links for viewing through Moodle or Course Management platform.
- Material can be produced in the TLC Studio or the TLC Staff can visit your location for a classroom exercise or another type of special event. Training and assistance are available for using equipment and developing content.
MC Channel
Video lectures and intructional videos are hosted by the TLC through Google Docs in the Course Materials folder. This service is tied into MCMail accounts and allows for the instructor’s content to be protected and only accessed by students with proper login credentials.