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Writing Center


A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, including a form to ask new questions pertaining to your writing and/or the Writing Center and the services we offer.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long do appointments last?

  • They typically last 30 minutes to an hour, but you can make multiple appointments if you need more time.

What should I bring to my appointment?

  • Bring assignment sheets, notes from teachers, or any other material related to the assignment or project.

Who can visit the Writing Center?

  • All writers are welcome! We assist students from any field or major on any type of writing assignment.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Do I have to have anything written to visit the Writing Center?

  • Nope! You don’t have to have anything written. We can help you brainstorm ideas or help explain assignments.

FAQ Form:

If you have any brief questions about your writing or about the Writing Center, you can ask through this form, and we will respond within our hours of operation. If you have a lengthier question, you can schedule an appointment or visit our location, and a tutor can walk through the question with you. Our Writing Educational Blog also has numerous resources to help you answer any questions you may have, as well as general advice to aid your writing. 

*Please check the "Frequently Asked Questions" section above this form to see if your question has previously been answered.