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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does MC hold summer commencement ceremonies?

No, Mississippi College does not hold commencement ceremonies for students who graduate during or at the end of the summer term. Commencement ceremonies are held twice a year, once in May and again in December.

If I graduate during the summer, how can I participate in a ceremony?

To participate in a ceremony, select YES when asked if you intend to participate in a degree ceremony on your graduation application. If you choose this option, you can walk in the fall (December) ceremony following the summer term. This also ensures the correct ordering of your graduation regalia.

Regardless of whether you choose to walk (participate), the Degree Awarded date on your academic transcript will reflect the date you complete your degree requirements. 

If I graduate in the summer, how will I receive my diploma?

Your diploma will be mailed to the address provided on your degree application. Expect it to arrive 3-4 weeks after the date your degree is awarded. 

If I want to participate in December commencement, how will I receive information about it?

When you select the option to participate in the December Commencement on your graduation application, the Office of the Registrar will send ceremony details to your MC email. Be sure to continue checking your email until after the ceremony to stay informed about any updates.

How do I apply to graduate?

  1. Log in to MyMC and select BannerWeb for Students.
  2. On Banner, select Student Profile at the top.
  3. In the left-hand menu, select Apply to Graduate (last link).
  4. Follow these steps before submission:
    • Choose the appropriate term and curriculum.
    • Select your intended graduation date and indicate if you will attend the ceremony.
    • Enter your height and weight (for cap and gown ordering).
    • Specify how your name should appear on your diploma.
    • Provide a mailing address (not an MC campus box) where your diploma should be sent 3-4 weeks after graduation.

Note: If you see the message “No Curricula Available,” you have already applied to graduate and do not need to do so again.

When will I hear back after applying to graduate?

Within a few weeks of submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation from the Office of the Registrar in your MC email account. Be sure to check your MC email regularly for updates.

What if I don't meet my degree requirements?

Your advisor is your best resource for staying on track to graduation. If you do not meet your degree requirements, contact your advisor as soon as possible. They can help you:

  • Identify any missing requirements.
  • Register for additional courses if needed.
  • Explore possible course substitutions.

I applied to graduate, but won’t finish my degree requirements in time. What should I do?

Contact the Registrar’s Office at or 601-925-3210.

I received an email saying I am cleared to graduate. What now?

Continue checking your MC email for updates. As long as you do not drop a class or fail a required course, your graduation status will remain unchanged.

How much are graduation fees, and when are they due?

Undergraduate graduation fees are $117, and graduate graduation fees are $160. These fees must be paid to the Bursar's Office no later than the Tuesday before Commencement. If you have questions about payment, contact the Bursar's Office at 601-925-3308 or

How can I order a class ring?

Mississippi College class rings are reserved exclusively for alumni and students who have completed 54 credit hours in good standing with the university. Order your class ring so you will have it by graduation. Contact the Alumni Office at 601.925.3252 if you have any questions.