John Anderson
Dean and Henry Vaughan Watkins and Selby Watkins McRae Professor of Law - School of Law

Dean Anderson's scholarship focuses on securities enforcement, white-collar crime, and intersections of law and philosophy (e.g., business ethics, constitutionalism, problems of pluralism, and human rights). His recent articles address the law and ethics of insider trading, the problem of how to build a just and enduring constitutional order in the face of increasing religious and cultural pluralism, and the theoretical underpinnings of our international human rights regime. He has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals (e.g., Law & Philosophy, Journal of Law and Religion, and Contemporary Pragmatism) and in top law journals (most recently in the Georgetown Law Journal Online, Journal of Corporation Law, Virginia Law & Business Review, Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, Temple Law Review, Utah Law Review, and University of Miami Law Review). Professor Anderson recently published a book with Cambridge University Press, Insider Trading: Law Ethics and Reform. He is a frequent contributor to the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog, and an editor of the Business Law Professor Blog. Professor Anderson teaches Business Associations, Contracts, Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Evidence, International Human Rights, Jurisprudence, Securities Regulation, and White Collar Crime. He has won numerous teaching awards and was most recently voted Law School Professor of the Year for 2021-2022, and Mississippi College Distinguished Professor of the Year for 2018-2019.
- J.D., University of Virginia School of Law
- Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Virginia
- M.A., Philosophy, University of Virginia
- B.A., Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley