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 Jacob  Carpenter

Jacob Carpenter

Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Kayla Acklin

Kayla Acklin

Assistant Professor and Chair, Counseling

Jonathan Ambrose

Jonathan Ambrose

Higher Education Administration

John Anderson

John Anderson

Dean and Henry Vaughan and Selby Watkins McRae Professor of Law, School of Law

Glenn Antizzo

Glenn Antizzo

Professor, History and Political Science

Tammy Arthur

Tammy Arthur

Professor of Management, School of Business

Valerie Bailey

Valerie Bailey

Instructor, School of Nursing

J. Clinton Bailey, II

J. Clinton Bailey, II

Associate Professor and Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Stan Baldwin

Stan Baldwin

Dean, School of Science and Mathematics

Beth Barlow

Beth Barlow

Professor and Chair, Biological Sciences

Chuck Beauchamp

Chuck Beauchamp

Professor of Finance, School of Business

Michelle Beauchamp

Michelle Beauchamp

Professor of Marketing, School of Business

Jacqueline Bell

Jacqueline Bell

Adjunct Faculty , Counseling

Thomas Bennet

Thomas Bennet

Professor, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Mandy Berdami

Mandy Berdami

Professor, Art

Jeanne Bernier

Jeanne Bernier

Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Programs, School of Nursing

Brandon Bolen

Brandon Bolen

Associate Professor of Economics, School of Business

Erick Bourassa

Erick Bourassa

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences

Clifford “Ace” Bryant

Clifford “Ace” Bryant

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Sue Bryant

Sue Bryant

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Lynn Buckalew

Lynn Buckalew

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Robert Burgess

Robert Burgess

Assistant Library Director, Leland Speed Library

Kevin Burns

Kevin Burns

Professor, Mathematics

Stephanie Dickson  Busbea

Stephanie Dickson Busbea

Interim Dean, School of Christian Studies and the Arts and Professor, Art

Lisa Busby Thomas

Lisa Busby Thomas

Assistant Professor, Counseling

Donald Campbell

Donald Campbell

Owen Cooper Professor of Law, School of Law

Phillip Carithers Jr., MD MPH MHA

Phillip Carithers Jr., MD MPH MHA

Visiting Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Stephanie Carmicle

Stephanie Carmicle

Professor, Biological Sciences

David Champagne

David Champagne

Professor, Christian Studies

Pam Clevenger

Pam Clevenger

Instructor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Michael J. Coco

Michael J. Coco

Instructor, Teacher Education and Leadership

C. Stephen Coleman, Jr.

C. Stephen Coleman, Jr.

Systems Librarian, Leland Speed Library

Megan Colvin

Megan Colvin

Assistant Professor, Director of Admissions, Physician Assistant Studies

Claudia Conklin

Claudia Conklin

Library Director, Leland Speed Library

Patrick Connelly

Patrick Connelly

Associate Professor and Chair, History and Political Science

Zachary Cormier

Zachary Cormier

Assistant Professor, School of Law

Taylor F. Corso

Taylor F. Corso

Assistant Professor of Accounting, School of Business

Jacob Crouch

Jacob Crouch

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Viola Dacus

Viola Dacus

Associate Professor, Music

Lindsey Dancy

Lindsey Dancy

Assistant Professor, Communication

Margaret Davis

Margaret Davis

Associate Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Brittany Dean

Brittany Dean

Assistant Professor of Legal Analysis and Communication, School of Law

Madison Dean

Madison Dean

Media Technology Coordinator, Instructor ,

Dr. Emily Derrick

Dr. Emily Derrick

Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling

Jordan Dillon

Jordan Dillon

Instructor of Accounting, School of Business

Angela Dixon

Angela Dixon

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law

Teresa Duke

Teresa Duke

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Rachelle Dye

Rachelle Dye

Department Chair & Program Director, Physician Assistant Studies

Martha D’Amico

Martha D’Amico

Associate Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Marcelo Eduardo

Marcelo Eduardo

Dean, Anderson Professor of Finance, School of Business

Lisa Eichelberger

Lisa Eichelberger

Interim Dean of Nursing, School of Nursing

Hilary Escajeda

Hilary Escajeda

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law

Beth Everett

Beth Everett

Assistant Professor/Director of Choral Activities, Music

Laura  Flint

Laura Flint

Instructor, Department of English & Philosophy

Cliff Fortenberry

Cliff Fortenberry

Professor, Communication

Melinda Gann

Melinda Gann

Professor, Mathematics

Godfrey Garner

Godfrey Garner

Instructor, History and Political Science

Kristena Payne Gaylor

Kristena Payne Gaylor

Associate Professor of Management/Title IX Coordinator and Director of Compliance Training and Development, School of Business

Charles Ghany

Charles Ghany

Assistant Professor, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Dr. Jennifer Giambrone

Dr. Jennifer Giambrone

Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling

Justin Goebel

Justin Goebel

Associate Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Kenisha Gordon

Kenisha Gordon

Associate Professor, Counseling

Roger Greene

Roger Greene

Professor, Christian Studies

Ray Gregory

Ray Gregory

Associate Professor, Art

Lydia Hall

Lydia Hall

Instructor, School of Nursing

Heather Hall

Heather Hall

Associate Professor of Legal Analysis and Communication, School of Law

Kelly Harden

Kelly Harden

Professor and Dean, School of Nursing

Katherine Heard

Katherine Heard

Professor, Psychology

Scoty Hearst

Scoty Hearst

Assistant Professor , Chemistry and Biochemistry

Frank Hensley

Frank Hensley

Professor, Biological Sciences

Milton J. Hernandez, IV

Milton J. Hernandez, IV

Assistant Professor/Co-Director for the Center for Civil Law Studies, School of Law

Michael J Highfield

Michael J Highfield

Provost and Executive Vice President, Dean of the Graduate School, and Professor of Finance, School of Business

Sydney Margaret Holbert

Sydney Margaret Holbert

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Katherine Horlock

Katherine Horlock

Assistant Professor , Teacher Education and Leadership

Katryna Horton

Katryna Horton

Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

John Hubbard

John Hubbard

Acquisitions/Cataloging Librarian, Law School

Annese Hutchins

Annese Hutchins

Assistant Professor, Counseling

Kathleen  Hutchison

Kathleen Hutchison

Librarian, Leland Speed Library

Benjamin Ivey

Benjamin Ivey

Associate Professor, Art

Karen Ivie

Karen Ivie

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Mary Darby Jackson

Mary Darby Jackson

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

Nicole Jager

Nicole Jager

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Willie Johnson

Willie Johnson

Clinical Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Judith J. Johnson

Judith J. Johnson

Professor of Law, School of Law

Randy Jolly

Randy Jolly

Director of the Gore Gallery - PT,

Melissa Janczewski Jones

Melissa Janczewski Jones

Director of Paralegal Studies and Public History, History and Political Science

Kerri Jordan

Kerri Jordan

Associate Professor, English and Philosophy

Julie Kasperski

Julie Kasperski

Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Joseph Kazery

Joseph Kazery

Assistant Professor, Biology

Stephanie Stanford Keith

Stephanie Stanford Keith

Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Tyler Kemp

Tyler Kemp

Instructor, Music

Shirley Terry Kennedy

Shirley Terry Kennedy

Clinical Professor, School of Law

Brianna Kildare

Brianna Kildare

School of Law, Finance Coordinator

Sara B. Kimmel

Sara B. Kimmel

Professor of Management, School of Business

Kadijah Kinds

Kadijah Kinds

Assistant Professor and Director of Field Experience, Teacher Education and Leadership

Robert Knupp

Robert Knupp

Professor, Music

Ashley Krason

Ashley Krason

Assistant Professor, Modern Languages

J. Mignon Kucia

J. Mignon Kucia

Professor, Communication

Rachel Lantz

Rachel Lantz

Assistant Professor, Art

Kristy Laster

Kristy Laster

Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling

Laurie Lawson

Laurie Lawson

Associate Professor, Chair and Director, Social Work Program, Social Work

Carol Lee

Carol Lee

Professor, Kinesiology

Chandra Lee

Chandra Lee

Professor of Legal Analysis and Communication, School of Law

Jan Lemon

Jan Lemon

Associate Professor, Counseling

Evan Lenow

Evan Lenow

Associate Professor and Chair, Christian Studies

Jo LeVert

Jo LeVert

Instructor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Jay Levy

Jay Levy

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Kimberly Lewis

Kimberly Lewis

Instructor, English and Philosophy

Emily Lindsay

Emily Lindsay

Research, Instructional Services, and Circulation Librarian, School of Law

Tracy Lindsay

Tracy Lindsay

Instructor, School of Nursing

Scot E. Long

Scot E. Long

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

Hannah Loper

Hannah Loper

Instructor , Mathematics

Daniel M. Tavera

Daniel M. Tavera

Assistant Professor, School of Law

David H. Magers

David H. Magers

Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chris Maggio

Chris Maggio

Associate Professor and Chair, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Edward L. Mahaffey

Edward L. Mahaffey

Professor, Christian Studies

Michael Mann

Michael Mann

Professor and Chair, Psychology

Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin

Instructor and Chair, Undergraduate Programs, School of Nursing

Suzanne McDonough

Suzanne McDonough

Associate Professor, Kinesiology

Phillip L. McIntosh

Phillip L. McIntosh

Professor of Law/Co-Director of the Center for Civil Law Studies , School of Law

Wendi McLendon

Wendi McLendon

Instructor, School of Nursing

Penny McNair

Penny McNair

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

Jason McNeely

Jason McNeely

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering

John Meadors

John Meadors

Professor and Chair, English and Philosophy

Kristi Richard Melancon

Kristi Richard Melancon

Professor, English and Philosophy

Cindy Melton

Cindy Melton

Dean, School of Education

Randolph B. Miley

Randolph B. Miley

Professor and Chair, Art

David Miller

David Miller

Professor, English and Philosophy

Mary Miller

Mary Miller

Assistant Dean, Information Technology and Legal Research, School of Law

Mark C. Modak-Truran

Mark C. Modak-Truran

Professor of Law, School of Law

Heather Moore

Heather Moore

Head of Special Collections,

Billy Morehead

Billy Morehead

Professor of Accounting, School of Business

Steven Mulhollen

Steven Mulhollen

Assistant Professor of Accounting, School of Business

Mary Nicholas

Mary Nicholas

Assistant Professor, Social Work

Kim P. Norwood

Kim P. Norwood

Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies

Zachary Osborn

Zachary Osborn

Instructor, History and Political Science

Jordan Owen

Jordan Owen

Instructor, School of Nursing

Ivan Parke

Ivan Parke

Professor, Christian Studies

Steven Patterson

Steven Patterson

Associate Professor, History and Political Science

Kevin Pauli

Kevin Pauli

Professor of Management, School of Business

Elise Payne

Elise Payne

Assistant Professor & Art Education Coordinator, Art

Rachel Peeples

Rachel Peeples

Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Bobby Perkins

Bobby Perkins

Associate Professor of Business, School of Business

Christian Pinnen

Christian Pinnen

Professor, History and Political Science

Joshua Pitts

Joshua Pitts

Associate Professor of Economics , School of Business

Taylor Poe

Taylor Poe

Assistant Professor , Mathematics

V. Brooks Poole

V. Brooks Poole

Associate Professor of Accounting, School of Business

Steve Price

Steve Price

Professor, English and Philosophy

Retha Price

Retha Price

Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business

Mary Largent Purvis

Mary Largent Purvis

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor, School of Law

Chase Quarterman

Chase Quarterman

Assistant Professor, Art

Keith Randazzo

Keith Randazzo

Assistant Provost for Academic Innovation and Director, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness/Associate Professor, Kinesiology

Jonathan Randle

Jonathan Randle

Professor, English and Philosophy

Jerry W. Reagan

Jerry W. Reagan

Professor, Biological Sciences

Joy Reger

Joy Reger

Director of Externships, School of Law

Angela Whittom Reiken

Angela Whittom Reiken

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences

Michele Ricker

Michele Ricker

Assistant Dean, School of Business

Brittany Ricker

Brittany Ricker

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Jim Rosenblatt

Jim Rosenblatt

Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, School of Law

Franklin D. Rosenblatt

Franklin D. Rosenblatt

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law

Michael Rushing

Michael Rushing

Professor and Director of the Taylor School, Music

Duval Salvant

Duval Salvant

Director of Bands, Music

Robert  Sanders

Robert Sanders

Army ROTC Instructor, Military Science & Leadership

Trent Selby

Trent Selby

Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

David Sharp

David Sharp

Professor, School of Nursing

Albert Smathers

Albert Smathers

Professor, Art

Christopher Smith

Christopher Smith

Associate Professor of Finance, Associate Dean, School of Business

Caroline Smith

Caroline Smith

Assistant Professor of Legal Analysis and Communication, School of Law

Lingshan Song

Lingshan Song

Writing Center Director,

Braden Spiller

Braden Spiller

Instructor, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Jennifer Stafford

Jennifer Stafford

Professor and Chair, Teacher Education and Leadership

Beth Stapleton

Beth Stapleton

Professor, Modern Languages

Matthew Steffey

Matthew Steffey

Professor of Law, School of Law

Mary Ellen  Stewart

Mary Ellen Stewart

Assistant Professor and Public Health Chair , School of Nursing

James Strickland

James Strickland

Associate Professor, Counseling

William Tabor

William Tabor

Assistant Professor , School of Business

Hendra Tarigan

Hendra Tarigan

Assistant Professor , Electrical Engineering

Callie Tate

Callie Tate

Instructor , School of Nursing

Drake Terry

Drake Terry

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Jana Thoma

Jana Thoma

Assistant Professor , Biological Sciences

Damien J. Thomas

Damien J. Thomas

Assistant Professor, Counseling

Courtney Thompson

Courtney Thompson

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

John Travis

John Travis

Professor, Mathematics

Stephen B. Trouard

Stephen B. Trouard

Associate Professor of Management, School of Business

Tiffany Tseng

Tiffany Tseng

Visiting Instructor, Modern Languages

Jim Turcotte

Jim Turcotte

Vice President and Special Assistant to the President, Office of the President

Reid Vance

Reid Vance

Associate Professor and Chair, Communication

Wayne VanHorn

Wayne VanHorn

Professor, Christian Studies

Ben VanHorn

Ben VanHorn

Reference/Instruction Librarian, Leland Speed Library

Amy Vlach

Amy Vlach

Assistant Professor, Counseling

Zack Vosen

Zack Vosen

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

Thomas B. Walter

Thomas B. Walter

Reference/Computer Services Librarian, School of Law

Christopher Washam

Christopher Washam

Professor and Chair, Kinesiology

Daniel Watson

Daniel Watson

Associate Professor and Chair, Mathematics

Estelle Watts

Estelle Watts

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Christopher Weeks

Christopher Weeks

Associate Professor and Interim Director MC Honors College,

Deborah Welch

Deborah Welch

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Crystal Welch

Crystal Welch

Associate Clinical Professor - In Memoriam, School of Law

Daniel White

Daniel White

Assistant Professor, English and Philosophy

Taylor White

Taylor White

Associate Professor of Legal Analysis and Communication, School of Law

Glenn Wiggins

Glenn Wiggins

Professor, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Melissa C. Wiggins

Melissa C. Wiggins

Professor, Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Jonathan F. Will

Jonathan F. Will

Professor of Law; Founding Director, Bioethics & Health Law Center, School of Law

Benjamin Williams

Benjamin Williams

Professor and Chair, Music

Amy  Williamson

Amy Williamson

Associate Professor and Chair, Modern Languages

Renee Wilson

Renee Wilson

Associate Professor, Music

Wesley Wilson

Wesley Wilson

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education and Leadership

Kaye Wilson-Anderson

Kaye Wilson-Anderson

Professor, School of Nursing

Erin Zanza

Erin Zanza

Instructor - French, Linguistics, and Culture, Modern Languages

Merle Ziegler

Merle Ziegler

Professor, Communication