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Keep Learning


Tips for online learning

Communicate often.

  • Check Moodle often for updates. Instructors are encouraged to use Moodle to keep you informed. Your instructors will contact you with information regarding scheduled tests and exams.
  • After checking Moodle and your MC email, if you aren’t sure how and when your classes will be held, reach out to your instructors directly via email.
  • Contact the IT Help Desk Support if you have questions about tech tools.
  • If offered, participate in virtual office hours over Zoom.
  • Keep in touch with classmates, including having regularly scheduled check-ins or study groups, similar to what you did on campus. You can use Zoom for these meetings.

Take care of yourself.

  • Stay healthy by getting adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise. Schedule time to take care of yourself.
  • Stay connected to friends and classmates online--to study, to offer each other support, and to keep from feeling isolated. You can create your own Zoom meetings to start study groups or have study breaks.
  • Monitor your self-talk and stay positive.

Manage your environment.

  • Schedule specific times in your day to dedicate to studying or participating in your online class. Check with your instructor if you should be calling into live Zoom broadcasts.
  • Don't try to multitask, since research shows it doesn't really work, making tasks take longer and leading to mistakes. Instead, make blocks of time to focus on one class task at a time.
  • Consider using the "Do Not Disturb" function on your devices when you are trying to minimize distractions.
  • Find a space that is comfortable and allows you to focus. This can be your home base for coursework.

Develop proper internet etiquette.

  • Use proper language. This means no emoticons, text message language, or swear words. The discussion board is like a workplace and is meant to be professional.
  • Run a spelling and grammar check before posting anything to the discussion board. This is especially important if your instructor is grading these comments.
  • Read through your comments at least twice before hitting submit. (Some professors use settings that allow students to edit their responses, while others don't.)
  • Don't type in ALL CAPS! If you do, it will look like you are screaming.
  • Recognize and respect diversity. It's ok to ask questions to clarify things you don't understand. If you're not sure, email the professor privately for more information.
  • Avoid sarcasm and dark humor. Take your posts seriously. Never say online what you wouldn't say in real life to another person’s face. Your posts are a permanent record, so think about the type of record you want to leave behind.
  • If you are frustrated and finding the course material difficult, please reach out to the professor, use the tutor resources, etc. You can ask your peers for study tips. A discussion board is not the venue to complain about why you need to take this course or how hard you have to work.
  • Don't wait until the last minute to make your post. Allow time for other students to respond before the deadline. Likewise, don't wait to post your replies until the deadline; the author deserves an opportunity to address any questions you have or respond to points you make.
  • Before asking a question, check the instructor's FAQs or search your Learning Management System resources and/or the internet to see if the answer is obvious or easy to find.
  • Be forgiving. If your classmate makes a mistake, whether it's a typo or grammatical error, don't badger him or her for it. Just let it go.
  • The same rules apply for email. "Hey, teach, heeeelp!" is probably not the best way to ask your professor a question. You should communicate with your professor in the same way that you would speak to your boss or a potential employer. Also, any email you send your professor should always include your name and which class you are taking. (Source: Higher Education | Pearson)

Ask for help.

  • Need tech support? We've got that, too.

  • If you need learning accommodations, you can request help from Disability Services for your home campus.
  • Reach out for support if you need it. Student Counseling & Disability Services can help you identify mental health resources to help you through this stressful time.
  • Contact your instructor for resources specific to your courses.