Easter Worship Services at Mississippi College's Provine Chapel

Three worship services at Mississippi College's historic Provine Chapel this spring will be open to the Christian university’s family as well as the public as Easter approaches.
Sermons will be delivered by Stan Wilson of Northside Baptist Church on March 21 and Joe Collins of Good News Jail and Prison Ministries on March 28. Professor David Champagne of Mississippi College’s Christian Studies and Philosophy Department will speak on April 4. Each chapel program begins at 10:50 a.m.
The series dubbed “Chapel in the Chapel’’ is intended to highlight the observance of Holy Week and Easter.
An MC landmark for more than a century, Provine Chapel opened its doors in 1860 and was soon utilized as a hospital for the wounded troops of U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War. It is the oldest building on the Clinton campus.
The theme of this year’s program is “One Flock, One Shepherd’’ drawn from John 10: 14-16. Each worship service will contain scripture lessons, readings, music and sermons that focus on a different aspect of the theme.
Department of Music students will supply music for the series, including congregational hymn-singing led by the pipe organ housed at the chapel. Art Department students will display their graphic design works during the event.
Mississippi College senior David Harrison helped organize the program and believes it will attract widespread interest from people on and off campus.
“This is a unique opportunity for a diverse array of people in the area and within the MC community to worship together,’’ says Harrison, a music major and native of Ocean Springs. “It promises to be an enriching time as we collectively mark this important season in the Christian tradition.’’
There’s another reason to come to the trio of worship services for Mississippi College students. By listening to the sermons, they can earn extra chapel attendance credits.
For more information, contact the university’s Office of Christian Development at 601-925-3235 or David Harrison at harris04@mc.edu
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