MC Law admissions director’s exceptional recruiting efforts earn DBT’s MVP Award for November

As director of admissions at the Mississippi College School of Law, Jay Armstrong usually has his finger on the pulse of activities on the Jackson campus.
Armstrong is known for his diligence in helping MC Law faculty and staff host successful orientation sessions, pre-law days and open houses throughout the academic year. He works hard to ensure the quality of each entering class is improving from year to year.
MC President Blake Thompson surprised those attending the law school’s first Wednesday alumni luncheon Nov. 6 in the Student Center Auditorium by presenting Armstrong with his highly coveted DBT’s MVP Award for November.
“It was such a surprise to receive this award,” Armstrong said. “With so many deserving staff members on our campus, it is an honor to be selected.”
John Anderson, dean of MC Law, said Armstrong and his admissions team of Kristian Gautier and Leigh Partridge continue to exceed expectations in recruiting high-quality law school classes.
“When applications to law school have been down nationally, Jay’s team somehow manages to increase the number of applications to MC Law and yield a class with higher GPAs and better LSAT scores,” Anderson said. “Upon matriculation, we ask our new students why they chose MC Law over other schools. One of the most common responses is that they appreciated phone calls from Jay and the personal touch from our admissions team.
“Most importantly, Jay loves the Lord. His kindness and his heart for service show in everything he does. Jay is a wonderful role model and an ideal member of our MC Law family. We are so grateful for all he does for our students and for this institution.”
Thompson’s DBT’s MVP Award recognizes staff members who go “above and beyond” for MC students, faculty and their fellow staff members. As the monthly winner, Armstrong received a T-shirt, a parking spot of his choosing on campus for a month, a $50 gift card, a print by internationally celebrated artist Samuel M. Gore, and the right to display a bobblehead of Thompson with his trusty golf cart.
“I am thankful for the opportunity to work at Mississippi College,” Armstrong said. “My office receives credit for so many things, but truth be told, it is the unwavering support of Dr. Thompson and Dean Anderson that allows us to succeed year-in and year-out.
“In addition to their support, I couldn’t do anything without Kristian and Leigh – they are true team players and I can’t thank them enough for being by my side every day.”
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