MC Singers to perform traditional ‘lessons and carols’ service during Festival of Lights Dec. 5-7

Each year, the Festival of Lights at Mississippi College delights audiences by retelling the story of Christmas through music.
This year’s performances, scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, Dec. 5-7, in Provine Chapel, will feature a format based on the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, which tells the story of humanity’s fall, the promise of the coming Messiah and the birth of Jesus as documented in Genesis, the Old Testament’s prophetic books, and the Gospels.
The traditional piece, “Of the Father’s Love Begotten,” will open and close the service, and the audience will be invited to join the MC Singers on some beloved carols. Each selection will directly correlate to the scripture being read in each lesson.
“This is the perfect way to begin your Christmas season by worshiping the newborn King through music and scripture,” said Beth Everett, director of choral activities at Mississippi College. “One of my favorite pieces this year is ‘The Dream Isaiah Saw,’ which is so appropriate given that many of the lessons come from the prophecy of Isaiah.”
The piece features Caitlin Vickery, a senior piano performance major from Jackson, on piano and Robert Knupp, professor of music, on organ.
The annual Festival of Lights at MC dates back to 1986 when Mississippi College faculty members joined the MC Singers under the direction of Richard Joiner to present a program of music and scripture readings in the English tradition of “Lessons and Carols.”
This year’s service will continue that tradition for a new generation of students, including Evangeline Martin. The freshman interior design major from Huntsville, Alabama, will be singing soprano in her initial Festival of Lights performance.
“I cannot wait to experience it for the first time with these amazing people,” Martin said. “Dr. Everett has done a wonderful job selecting beautiful pieces to construct our program. Not only will the setting of Provine Chapel be glorious, but the pieces, people and purpose of this time will be precious to all who hear it.”
She said attendees will be moved by the spiritual significance of each lesson and carol.
“I pray all who come are able to experience the comfort and joy of Christ’s presence throughout this performance,” she said. “We simply cannot help but rejoice in the coming of our Savior. The Festival of Lights is a reflection of this belief.
“No matter what your background is or where you’re coming from, everyone is welcome; here, anyone can find comfort and joy.”
General admission tickets for Festival of Lights cost $20 each for adults, $10 each for students from any school and free for children 4 and younger. All proceeds will be reinvested into the Department of Music at MC.
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