MC Singers Virtual Choir Trends on Social Media
![MC Singers Virtual Choir](
Mississippi College Singers recorded a virtual choir performance they shared with thousands of viewers amid the world’s COVID-19 health emergency.
Taking a break from online classes at home, the MC Singers, led by conductor Mark Nabholz, created a wonderful performance uplifting classmates, alumni and friends of the Christian university.
“The pandemic sent us all home before we could give our Spring concert,” said Nabholz, an associate professor of music.
“This particular group of students won’t have the opportunity to sing together again. We wanted a way to bring closure for our seniors, and everyone else.”
It is a longstanding MC Singers tradition to finish their Spring concert at Provine Chapel by inviting choir alumni to join them. The Singers perform Mack Wilberg’s beautiful arrangement of the familiar Isaac Watts hymn, “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.”
That made the selection for the MC Singers Virtual Choir an obvious choice, Nabholz said.
Within 36 hours, their YouTube video gained more than 3,200 views and 200 shares on Facebook along with other social media. The numbers keep rising in late April.
Choir members are delighted to play a role to uplift campus spirits.
“It was strange singing in a silent house trying to follow a video conductor, but I was so excited to see the final product,” says freshman music major Callie Partridge of Ridgeland. “The mix sounded so much like it does when we’re all in a room together – it was crazy to see how the pieces fit together.”
Celia Anderson, a sophomore pre-nursing major from Jackson, was pleased to take part. “During this uncertain time, it was great to sing with my fellow MC Singers. The experience was amazing.”
MC senior Michaela Wilder felt blessed to join the virtual choir as her final semester nears an end. “It was neat to be able to put out voices together in a different way and share that with people,” says the vocal performance major from Cullman, Alabama.
Dr. Nabholz looks forward to the MC Singers returning to the Clinton campus in the Fall. It’s where the Singers will prepare for their acclaimed Festival of Lights concerts. Celebrating Christ’s birth, the students’ performances are set for Provine Chapel December 3-5, 2020.
To see the MC Singers Virtual Choir performances go to
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