Mississippi College Begins First Summer Term Classes

Professors will teach the first term of Mississippi College summer classes starting May 26, mostly with online courses due to the coronavirus crisis. There are exceptions with classroom instruction offered on the Clinton campus in physician assistant studies, mathematics and the sciences.
MC’s nearly 5,000 students transitioned to online courses the final two months of the Spring semester amid the global health emergency.
With Mississippi College summer classes to begin following the Memorial Day weekend, there will be several exceptions to online learning. A total of 13 classes and the physician assistant program classes, mainly labs, will be taught in a traditional format.
For these summer students, a tent will be set up outside the MCC complex with health screening taking place and social distancing guidelines practiced. MC will follow Centers for Disease Control guidelines. Members of Mississippi College’s medical crisis response task force will offer assistance.
Dr. Steve Martin, director of Mississippi College’s physician assistant program, and School of Nursing Dean Dr. Kimberly Sharp serve as co-chairs of the task force.
Debbie Norris, the university’s interim provost and dean of the Graduate School, outlined details of MC’s summer plans in a recent email to students. She stressed that strict health safeguards will be followed for students taking summer classes on the Clinton campus.
Mississippi College officials join USA higher education leaders and students addressing major challenges posed by the deadly virus as COVID-19 cases grow worldwide.
“Thank you for your patience as we looked to make decisions that will personally affect you in the weeks ahead,” Dr. Norris told MC students.
Mississippi College administrators say the university still plans to open residence halls on the Clinton campus and return to traditional classes for the fall semester. Classes for the fall semester begin in August.
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