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Mississippi College Christian Studies administrative assistant selflessly serves, earns DBT’s MVP Award for October

Flanked by MC Department of Christian Studies faculty, MC President Blake Thompson, third from right, presents the DBT's MVP Award to LaJune White.
Flanked by MC Department of Christian Studies faculty, MC President Blake Thompson, third from right, presents the DBT's MVP Award to LaJune White.

LaJune White was a business manager at local television station WAPT and was working toward her second bachelor’s degree at Mississippi College – focusing on Christian studies with a concentration in ministry – when Prof. Wayne VanHorn suggested she consider joining his staff.

More than a dozen years later, the administrative assistant in MC’s Department of Christian Studies is known as one of the brightest faces and most trusted advisors at the Christian University.

“Students who may be having a rough day, are preparing for a big exam, or just need somebody to talk to end up sitting in the chair across from her desk in Provine Chapel,” said Evan Lenow, associate professor and chair and director of church and minister relations at MC. “She’s a source of encouragement for them, praying for them, working with them, and sometimes telling them they need to get things in gear and get moving.

“Many times, students who are thinking about changing their major – particularly if they are thinking about changing to Christian studies – will talk to her. She helps them sort through what that looks like for them. She’s almost another mom to the students, someone who can give them wise council.”

White’s selfless service resulted in a surprise visit Oct. 2 from MC President Blake Thompson, who presented her with his monthly DBT’s MVP Award. The award recognizes staff members who go “above and beyond” for MC students, faculty and their fellow staff members.

As the monthly winner, White received a T-shirt, a parking spot of her choosing on campus for as month, a $50 gift card, a print by internationally celebrated artist Samuel M. Gore, and the right to display a bobblehead of Thompson with his famous golf cart.

The bobblehead quickly found its temporary home in the bookcase behind her desk.

“It was a surprise and honor to receive this award,” White said. “There are so many deserving people on this campus and I appreciate those who thought of me for this honor.

“On a campus this size and the work that everyone puts in each and every day, I never thought of myself receiving this award, but I am truly thankful.”

White completed her Christian studies degree at MC after earning her bachelor’s degree in accounting at Jackson State University. She went on to obtain her M.Div. with a concentration in teaching from Wesley Biblical Seminary.

The Terry native and Byram resident enjoys using her skills to further God’s Kingdom at New Jerusalem Church in Jackson and in her workplace.

“It is wonderful to work at a place where you can talk about Jesus, share your faith, and pray openly all the time with anyone – adults as well as students,” White said.