Mississippi College family can help save lives by participating in Nov. 6-7 campus blood drive

As a universal donor, Sydney Cappo’s blood can be safely received by individuals of any other blood type.
Healthcare providers use products from type O negative donors like her in emergencies when someone needs blood fast.
The junior elementary education major from Brandon takes her gift seriously. She has seen how blood donations can save a loved one’s life.
“My grandma had a reaction to her chemotherapy and needed a blood transfusion,” Cappo said. “I like to donate blood any chance I get.”
Members of the Mississippi College family can do their part to help save the lives of their fellow Mississippians by participating in the second blood drive of the fall semester.
A donor coach from Mississippi Blood Services will be parked in front of the B.C. Rogers Student Center from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 6-7, to accept blood donations.
Healthy individuals 17 years of age or older who weigh at least 110 pounds are eligible to participate in the drive.
Red blood cells are the most needed of all blood components, so individuals may be asked to make an automated donation of just red cells, which allows MBS to take twice as many in one sitting.
Cappo said the donation process couldn’t be simpler.
“It is an easy process and the MBS representatives go through all the questions and explain thoroughly what is happening,” she said.
Cappo’s favorite part about giving blood?
“Knowing I’m making a difference,” she said.
To register to participate in MC’s second fall blood drive, click here and enter code 1638 for the Nov. 6 drive or code 1640 for the Nov. 7 drive. For more information about Mississippi Blood Services, visit https://msblood.com.
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