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Parke to share message of faith, hope from the ‘ash heap’ during Last Lecture at MC

Ivan D. Parke, MC professor of Christian Studies, will present the MC Mortar Board Chapter's Last Lecture for a second time on March 27.
Ivan D. Parke, MC professor of Christian Studies, will present the MC Mortar Board Chapter's Last Lecture for a second time on March 27.

In his book, “When Life Meets the Soul: Everyday Lessons from the Book of Job,” Ivan D. Parke describes the “ash heap” Job found himself sitting atop in his eponymous book of the Bible.

“Everyone spends time on the ash heap,” Parke writes. “To live long enough is to return there. Of course, it isn’t a place that anyone wants to visit, but the platform it provides beats primetime media coverage.

“If, atop the ash heap, we testify, ‘God is in control,’ the world, not just the Church, pays attention. The reason is obvious: Anyone can worship after God doubles his or her belongings. Why would anyone worship on an ash heap?”

Parke, professor of Christian Studies at Mississippi College, will combine his life’s experiences with timeless Biblical wisdom while presenting the MC Mortar Board Honor Society’s Last Lecture at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 27, in Swor Auditorium in Nelson Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

It is the second time the MC Mortar Board chapter has honored Parke. He was also invited to present the Last Lecture eight years ago. This presentation will be quite different, he said.

“In 2017, I was healthy. This time, I have ALS, an incurable disease,” Parke said. “I have a unique opportunity. God has positioned me on the ash heap. I don’t want to squander the platform entrusted to me to make a difference in the lives of others.

“If I succeed, our campus will never be the same. As a result, my suffering will be purposeful.”

Each year, Mortar Board Honor Society chapters across the nation select esteemed faculty to share a last lecture. The content is not necessarily about academic topics, but information they would deem most important and appropriate to include in a theoretical last lecture to others.

The series originated with Randy Pausch at Carnegie Mellon University, who chose to present his last lecture shortly after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. His focus was not on computer science, but on living a life with meaning, working toward dreams and leaving a legacy.

Katherine Heard, MC professor of psychology and MC Mortar Board chapter sponsor, said Parke’s impact on others reaches far and deep.

“Dr. Parke is easily recognized as an exceptional professor, colleague, pastor and friend,” Heard said. “The seeds he has planted throughout the years will live on in generations to come. From classroom lectures to Faculty Senate and committee meetings to speaking engagements, Dr. Parke exemplifies authenticity, engagement, wisdom and genuine connections. Through his discipleship, others can clearly see the love and light of Christ.

“Dr. Parke has, unquestionably, solidified his place among the very best of Mississippi College. He has taken to heart Christ’s teaching in Matthew 5:16, ‘In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.’”