Second Spring Blood Drive Provides Golden Opportunity for MC Family to Serve the Community

Ellen Vinzant understands when potential donors hesitate to give blood.
The office manager in the Office of Public Safety admits to feeling a few butterflies whenever she steps into the Mississippi Blood Services donor van during Mississippi College’s blood drives. Yet the former Long Beach resident always leaves gratified by the experience.
“I leave delighted that I’m able to do this for my community,” said Vinzant, who has donated blood at MC five times since 2021. “It’s important because someone’s life may depend on my donation.
“Isn’t it amazing that God designed us to be able to donate blood?”
Although she hasn’t known anyone who needed blood, “I can’t help but empathize with those that find themselves in a that position,” she said. “I pray that my donation can bring someone peace, comfort, and healing.”
The Mississippi College family can share Vinzant’s gratification by participating in MC’s second blood drive of the spring semester. A donor coach from Mississippi Blood Services will be parked in front of the B.C. Rogers Student Center from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday, April 3-4, to accept donations.
Dana Brohaugh, MBS marketing representative, said her organization is in critical need of blood.
“As we go into the summer months, fewer people donate blood,” Brohaugh said. “This drive will help ensure blood is on the shelves.
“It doesn’t matter what your blood type is – we need all types.”
Healthy individuals at least 17 years of age who weigh at least 110 pounds are eligible to participate in the drive. Red blood cells are the most needed of all blood components, so individuals may be asked to make an automated donation of just red cells, which allows MBS to take twice as many in one sitting.
Brohaugh said the blood donation process is simple and takes less than an hour. MBS representatives administer a short medical questionnaire and take the donor’s vital signs before the actual donation. To save time, donors can complete a questionnaire online before reporting to the donor coach. Eligible donors will receive a $15 Visa card.
Vinzant praised Mississippi Blood Services for its efficiency during the blood donation process.
“The MBS personnel have always been kind and attentive,” she said. “They are highly professional. They check on me frequently to make sure I’m feeling comfortable.”
The advice she gives to those who may be nervous about the donation process?
“Drink a lot of water, eat a good meal, and be ready to experience a huge sense of fulfillment,” she said. “It saddens me to see an empty donor bus. So much can be done with our donation.
“Giving blood is rewarding. If anyone is unsure or even a little scared, I’m happy to talk to them and give them encouragement.”
Those who may be unable to participate in the second spring drive will have other opportunities to donate at MC during the fall semester.
Vinzant said her favorite part donating blood is when it’s over – but not because the process is unpleasant.
“When I’m done, I know without a doubt that I’ve done something very good that day,” she said. “I feel like I’m doing something that allows me to be just a smidge like the hands and feet of Jesus.”
For more information about Mississippi Blood Services, to obtain a Donor History Questionnaire, or to register to participate in MC’s second blood drive, visit, email, or call 601.368.2664.
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