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Spring Preview Days attract prospective students to Mississippi College

Preview Days provide an opportunity for high school and community college students to learn what campus life is really like at Mississippi College.
Preview Days provide an opportunity for high school and community college students to learn what campus life is really like at Mississippi College.

High school and community college students from throughout the Southeast are invited to Mississippi College for Spring Preview Day on Saturday, March 1, and again on Friday, April 4, to find out why the Christian University is a preferred destination for those seeking academic excellence and a commitment to the cause of Christ.

During Spring Preview Day, participants will hear from MC staff and faculty, interact with current Choctaws, attend a mock class and learn about life at the state’s oldest institution of higher learning.

Director of Admissions and Enrollment Operations Angie Hardin said students can learn about MC by looking online, but they can get a more complete experience by visiting the Clinton campus.

“It is proven that if we can get students to our campus, they are more likely to choose to make MC their home,” Hardin said. “Our goal is for students and their families to experience an incredible atmosphere while they are here.

“Since our vision at MC is academic excellence and commitment to the cause of Christ, we try to incorporate some touches of both throughout the day so guests can leave knowing this is our purpose. We also want students to experience a little of what student life would be like for them at MC.”

Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. on the Caf patio before the event kicks off at 9 a.m. in Anderson Hall with a welcome from MC President Blake Thompson. School deans will also speak and a panel of current MC students will take questions from attendees. MC’s student recruiting organization will then take participants on campus tours.

“Preview Days at MC are some of our largest recruiting events,” Hardin said. “The feedback we receive from students who have attended a Preview Day is overwhelmingly positive. We hear stories from current students who chose to enroll at MC simply because of their experience at one of our Preview Days.

“Getting to meet so many families that we can invest in and hopefully persuade to become MC families is my favorite part of the day. If a student wants to receive an overall view of life as a student at MC, then coming to Preview Day is one of the best ways to have that experience.”

For more information or to reserve a spot at either Preview Day, click here.