Students at Mississippi College Battle Delta State in Blood Drive

Mississippi College students defeated Delta State in a competitive blood drive a year ago. MC tallied 67 units of blood compared to 46 for DSU, their in-state Gulf South Conference rival in Cleveland.
It remains to be seen whether MC will keep the Mississippi Blood Services Heritage Bowl trophy in their hands for 2019.
This year’s winner will be presented the trophy on November 16. The announcement will come during the MC-Delta State football game at Robinson-Hale Stadium in Clinton. The kickoff that Saturday is 2 p.m., part of Preview Day activities for prospective MC students.
The Heritage Bowl blood drive will be once again sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa. Mississippi College students can donate blood in the MBS donor coach parked in front of Alumni Hall November 12-13. The time to give the gift of life is between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. both days on the Clinton campus.
MBS officials suggest that donors eat at least four hours before giving blood. The students are also advised to drink plenty of liquids before and after making blood donations. All donors will receive free T-shirts.
The 113 units of blood donated at MC and DSU last year served patients at dozens of Mississippi hospitals.
Students at schools across the Magnolia State take part in blood drives year-round.
“We rely heavily on our colleges and universities (for donations) during the Fall months,” said Tammy Bouchillon, a marketing staffer with Mississippi Blood Services based in Flowood.
The Fall months, she said, are critical since blood donations serve patients during a period following summer shortages. The blood drives are especially important when Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays approach. It comes at a time when donations take a dip statewide.
Mississippi Blood Services sponsors other friendly collegiate blood drives. Students at schools such as the University of Mississippi, the University of Southern Mississippi and Mississippi State University square off. MBS drives also pit students at Jackson State University against rivals like Alcorn State University and Mississippi Valley State University.
In the end, it is patients receiving care at Mississippi hospitals that triumph. They can be patients going through cancer treatments, surgery or a traumatic event. There are patients needing blood transfusions on a regular basis to sustain their health. Others receive blood if they are suffering with Sickle Cell Anemia.
Founded in 1979, MBS is an FDA-licensed blood center.
For more details, call 888-902-5663 or go to
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