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Community Service Center

Become a Volunteer

Fill out a volunteer application to start applying for community service hours.

To apply to be a volunteer, simply fill out the online application below and click submit. If you would rather fill out a physical copy please click the Download Volunteer Application button below, fill it out and turn it in to the Community Service Center. 

If involved for course related service, please complete the following:

Class Time & Date

If involved for any social tribe or other clubs, please complete the following:

Areas of Interest

To the student:

It is very important that you meet with the above agency at the specified time, observing punctuality. If you find that you are unable to meet with the agency and need to reschedule the appointment for another time/date, please contact the agency or the Service Center. Also, if you are not happy with your current service-learning experience, it is your responsibility to resolve the issue by speaking with the agency supervisor about your concerns or by contacting the Mississippi College Community Service Center for assistance in resolution or referral to another agency. Remember, service-learning is a learning experience; make the most of your experience, even if it is not what you expected.