Step Into Your Calling Without Financial Stress
At MC, we are all about the joyful pursuit of Christ in every field of study, and we want our students who are pursuing a call to full-time vocational ministry to be able to focus on that joyful pursuit.
MC is offering a new scholarship competition in honor of Dr. Frank Gunn, who has served this university as a great model of what it looks like to joyfully pursue Christ. The scholarships for this competition are the result of generous donations from many members of our MC alumni and friends who continue to support the mission and vision of this university. The winners of this competition will be chosen according to their responses to the criteria below and can be awarded on multiple tiers of scholarships up to $10,000, making this an opportunity you do not want to miss! Due to the requirements of the endowments which fund this competition, award preference will be given to students who are members of Baptist churches.
Don’t wait! Sign up for the competition and then complete the competition requirements listed below.
Scholarship Requirements
In order to compete in the Dr. Frank Gunn Ministry Scholars Competition you need to:
In keeping with the spirit of 1 Timothy 3:1, your intention is to fulfill a God-given desire to pursue full-time vocational ministry as an expression of the gifts and talents God has entrusted to you.
On your MC application, indicate that you have been called to full-time, vocational ministry by checking the associated box. You will be prompted to give your pastor’s name and contact information. Once the application has been submitted we will contact your reference for verification.
Candidates for the competition must be admitted to MC before sending any components for the competition. If you have not applied to MC and want to start the process click here to apply to MC.
Use your MC Application Portal to submit a single page resume outlining your academic and extracurricular involvements/achievements.
You should request a letter of recommendation from a pastor or church staff member who can comment meaningfully on your call to ministry, leadership abilities, and character strengths. This letter should not come from a relative.
Your pastor should email the Letter of Recommendation to by the February 14th deadline.
The topic for this essay is: "What verse or passage of Scripture best illustrates your desire to pursue vocational ministry? Describe how that passage shapes your understanding of ministry." The preferred format would be Times New Roman 12 pt. font, single-spaced. Max of 700 words.
Submit the essay through your MC Application Portal, which you may use to keep track of what you have submitted.
Important Dates
To compete for these scholarships, all items must be submitted by February 14th.
The interviews for the competition will take place during the afternoon of February 28, 2024. Winners of the competition will be notified through email approximately four weeks after the interviews conclude.
Please contact Kaitlin Turcotte with any questions at or 205.810.6230.