Benefiting Art Majors
The Dunaway endowment began has generated scholarships that have attracted outstanding community college art students to MC.
Award-winning artist Bob Allan Dunaway’s relationship with Mississippi College stretches more than six decades.
A 1961 graduate of MC, Dunaway teamed with Sam Gore to serve as the Art Department’s only two faculty members in the 1960s. The endowment he and his late wife, Jeanette, began several years ago has generated scholarships that have attracted outstanding community college art students to MC. Much of the art and photography produced by he and his current wife, Mary Lynn, who obtained her master’s degree from MC in 1977, have been showcased in the Gore Galleries.
On March 20, the Dunaways joined their three scholarship recipients, Mississippi College President Blake Thompson, Mc COO/CFO Laura Jackson, and MC Art Department Chair Randy Miley for lunch at the Latimer House to celebrate their scholarship gift. Bob Dunaway shared stories of his time at MC and his journey to becoming an artist. The students displayed their digital art portfolios for him to see first-hand the impact his gift is making on their lives