Inaugural MC Women’s Council Event Features Guest Speaker Bass, Provides Networking And Mentoring for MC Students
The Mississippi College Women’s Council hosted its inaugural Latimer Lunch on Sept. 23 at the Latimer House on the Clinton campus.

Mary Bass, a consultant and executive recruiter for Spencer Stuart, a Houston, Texas-based executive search firm, spoke about her multi-decade career in corporate leadership.
Bass, a 2024 Texas Women’s Hall of Fame inductee who is slated to receive the 2024 Global Leader of Influence Award from the World Affairs Council of Greater Houston next month, shared her tips for success with students and guests during the event.
“If you focus on improving yourself, things you want will come to you,” Bass urged. “We attract things based on who we are, not what we are. So, don’t chase it – attract it.”

The Latimer Lunch series offers current MC students the opportunity to hear from accomplished industry leaders and network with members of the MC Women’s Council. Students can engage with professionals across a variety of fields, gain invaluable insights, and build relationships with professionals which can serve as a pipeline to career opportunities.
The Council's primary focus is growing MC’s endowment for scholarships for all MC students. An additional purpose is to provide leadership and mentorship programs for students. The combination of financial support, leadership training and mentor programming adds a new and necessary dimension to the student experience at Mississippi College.
The Council also oversees the Jean Pittman Williams Scholarship, named in honor of 1955 graduate Jean Pittman Williams, a decades-long leader and board member at Mississippi College who currently serves on the MC Foundation Board.
For more information about how to support the MC Women’s Council, visit https://www.mc.edu/offices/giving/womens-council.