Roberts Gift Names MC Tennis Courts
The tennis program and facility recently received a generous donation from Colleen and Stan Roberts to give the playing surface and complex a fresh new look.
The Mississippi College Tennis Complex may look a little different than in years past. The tennis program and facility recently received a generous donation from Colleen and Stan Roberts to give the playing surface and complex a fresh new look.
"We are grateful for the generous gift by Stan and Colleen Roberts and Janice Roberts to our wonderful tennis facility and tennis program here at Mississippi College," said Kenny Bizot, athletic director "Their donation has provided our tennis facility with major upgrades on our playing surfaces and adds a viewing deck for our teams and fans for our top-level tennis courts.
“Their gift will provide our student-athletes with a top notch facility to compete for championships here at Mississippi College. We are thankful for the Roberts family and for their wonderful donation to our program."

The donation also provides new landscaping around the complex. In a few short weeks, new protective windscreens bearing the Choctaws logo will be placed around the facilities’ fence.
The Roberts have been a major part of the tennis family for years. The couple's oldest daughter, Tori, played tennis for the Lady Choctaws from 2018-20, and their youngest two daughters, Emma and Elena, have been members of the program since 2021.
"On behalf of Mississippi College and the tennis program and our student athletes, I would like to thank Stan and Colleen Roberts and their families for incredible financial gifts and consistent and sacrificial gifts with their time and efforts" said Michael Ward, MC head tennis coach "There are not many families like the Roberts. Stan and Colleen have raised four outstanding daughters and each of these girls have accomplished much on and off the tennis court.
Generosity Driven by Faith
“Stan and Colleen prioritize their faith and give of their time and assistance. It is an incredible honor to work with a family who helped mold and teach me when I was a child. Colleen was my high school tennis coach for years and I still remember her practices, her pushing me to hit deeper, to play positive and smarter. These are lessons I use daily in practice now. Stan helped me tactically and taught me how to play tennis with intelligence. This is a world-class family on and off the court and God has placed them in the path of Mississippi College to help develop student-athletes. They are a great source of motivation for me."
The Mississippi College Department of Athletics presented Roberts with a plaque and dedicated the Choctaw playing surface as the Colleen and Stan Roberts Tennis Courts on March 30.
"We are very excited to be able to contribute to Mississippi College Tennis during this time of growth," Stan Roberts said.
Both Choctaw tennis programs are nationally ranked on the season.