Help Us Create a Place for Discovering Stories That Uplift and Encourage Positive Conversations.
The Institute for Southern Storytelling at Mississippi College is an interdisciplinary approach to storytelling through studying the Southern experience. Participants will collectively produce inspiring and instructive films, art, music, and writing which help others reflect on this unique place and its larger role in the world.
We don’t want to leave behind “just some films” at the end of the day. We want to leave behind filmmakers — storytellers who can help make sense of an ever-changing world through a Southern lens. We want to showcase artists, musicians, actors, and writers whose stories have not yet been ,shared — stories of hope and inspiration. Through the Institute, we can identify uplifting stories and share those stories with an increasingly negative world through the talents of our founding partners and leadership team, as well as through the participation of students and faculty who want to help in these efforts.

Student Opportunities
The Institute will give MC students a place to become apprentice filmmakers and storytellers with professional collaborators. As the Institute grows, more staff and equipment will be added to allow students to tell their own stories, primarily through documentary filmmaking. Faculty will be encouraged to participate in projects close to their hearts and to serve as advisors and creative associates. Eventually, MC may even partner with other schools (both high school and collegiate) in workshops, projects, and screenings to promote better relations, garner collaborative strength and integrity, recruit future students, and celebrate all positive Southern things.