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Marketing & Communications


The Office of Marketing & Communications is responsible for official University publications the Beacon and Along College Street.

Beacon Magazine

Beacon Magazine takes its name from the University's alma mater, which includes the lines:

When in the future, our hearts may be yearning
For the bright scenes of our dear college youth
Back to thy portals, our memories turning
Clear beams thy Beacon of virtue and truth.

The Beacon is a yearly publication. The Beacon communicates news of Mississippi College to alumni, students’ parents, faculty, donors and friends of the university, keeping MC and its “virtue and truth” top of mind among these diverse constituents. Each story recounted in the Beacon is a reflection of the virtue and truth embodied in Mississippi College and the commitment to the virtue and truth that lives in every member of our close-knit community.

Beacon Magazine has won more than 100 awards for creative excellence, including top awards for BCA’s Wilmer C. Fields Awards, CASE District III Awards, Prism Awards and ADDY Awards.

Along College Street

Issued once a week during the fall and spring semesters and twice monthly during the summer, the Along College Street electronic newsletter sends the most recent news about Mississippi College directly to subscribers’ email inboxes.

Alumni enjoy keeping up with their alma mater, parents delight in getting to know more about their students’ experiences and community members appreciate being informed about the many educational and cultural events available to them on campus.

To receive the Along College Street e-newsletter, register your email below.        

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