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Marketing & Communications

MC’s Personality

MC's communications should reflect who we are and how we want to be seen and understood in the community around us.


Our rich history of accomplishment drives us forward. We are relentless and persistent, always leaning in to bring a single-minded focus to the work that we do. 


Since our founding, we have never stood still. Driven by beauty and excellence in all forms, we are unafraid to dream big and pursue bold ideas.


As a university, we recognize that our success depends on the quality of our people. We are committed to cultivating a community that supports you as you go farther than you ever imagined and ensures that you never go alone.


People/relationships are at our core. We show deep compassion and understanding to every member of our community. 


Our name is synonymous with service to our community and the world. We love being Choctaws, and we’re excited to share our spirit.


Our tribe exudes a joyful, engaging enthusiasm that runs through all of us.