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Marketing & Communications


Learn how to manage the content of your site with MC's content management system (CMS).

MC's Content Management System (CMS) is a web-based application that allows campus faculty and staff to manage their own content easily

Please contact us if you need access to or training in our CMS.

Logging In


  1.  Go to where “your-site” is the path to your section of the site
  2. Enter your username and password and click “Sign In.”

Page Management

Page management will always take place from the Sitemap.  To access the Sitemap, click “Dashboard” in the upper-right, and then click “Sitemap” on the left-hand menu.


  1. On the sitemap, click on the page that the new page should fall under.
  2. Click “Add Page.”
  3. Click on the icon for “Page.”
  4. Enter a name for your page.
  5. Click “Add Page” at the bottom.

Video Tutorials For Managing Pages

Subject Description
Creating New Pages Adding/creating new pages in your site
Page Order How to move and reorder pages on a site
Page Visibility Managing page visibility

Managing Content


  1. Go to the page you would like to edit and click the “Edit Page” button in the upper right.
  2. Once you enter edit mode, you will have various “blocks” on a page that can be edited.  To edit a block, click on the block and click “Edit.”
  3. Edit text just as you would in a typical word processing application.
  • If you can't edit tabbed content on the page, the tabbed content is being loaded from a child page. Use the Sitemap to navigate to the child page and edit it.
  • Use the dropdown box in the upper-left section of the edit window to change the content type between paragraph and headings 2-4. Heading 1 is reserved for the title of the page. Use the remaining headings to organize the page into a hierarchical order of related content.
  • Use the table icon to insert a table.
  • To link to a file (such as a PDF), highlight the text you would like to link and click the “Add File” link.
  • To link to another page within your site, highlight the text you would like to link and click the “Insert Link to Page” link.
  • To link to a page on a different website, highlight the text you would like to link, and click the chain link icon.  Enter the URL (must start with http://) and click “Insert.”
  • Never use all caps (use bold to emphasize short pieces of text).
  • If it’s an email address, make it a link.
  • Don’t unnecessarily capitalize words.
  • If no content exists yet on a page, click “Add to Main” and select the “Content” block.


  1. Go into edit mode on a page.
  2. In the main content section on a page, click “Add to Main,” then click “Add Block.”
  3. Select the “Image” block.
  4. Click “Choose Image” and browse to the image within the File Manager, or upload a new image using the form in the upper right.
  • Images that are meant to take up the fill width of the page should be scaled to 1200 pixels wide.
  • To wrap text around an image, move the image block (see section “To rearrange content on a page”) so that it is above the content, then click “Custom Template” and select “Align Right.” (Images can only be aligned right when wrapping text).  It will not wrap the text until you exit edit mode.


  1. Go into edit mode on a page.
  2. Click on any block on the page and click “Move.”
  3. Re-arrange blocks block dragging them with your mouse.
  4. Once you’ve finished re-arranging them, click “Save Positioning.”


After you have edited content on a page and clicked "Save changes", the changes are still not visible to the public until you have published a page.

To publish a page:

  1. Click “Exit Edit Mode” in the upper-left.
  2. If you are sure that you are ready to publish, click “Publish My Edits.” Otherwise, click “Discard my edits.”

Commonly Used Blocks Types

Block Type Description
Content Block For general text, table, or list (bullet or numbered) content. Content blocks have a number of Design & Block Template options that change the look of the block and its content.
File Block For creating a link/button to download files (PDFs, documents, etc)
Image Block For place images on a page
Slate Block For adding Slate forms to a page
Accordion Block For adding sections of content that open and close
Icon Info Adds a set of content tiles with or without an icon. Usually used to highlight stats.  Consists of Headline, optional subhead, and body text. has a default diamond icon, or you can upload custom icons (SVG or PNG). Not compatible with Design & Block Template options.
Image Info Adds an image and small block of copy with an optional CTA. The default is rarely used. Design & Block Templates add full width dark blue or light blue background and "Spotlight" option good for spotlighiting an individual or program.
Testimonial This block adds testimonial quotes. By default it adds a blue quote icon. Design & Block Templates options include using a photo on left (or top), and full width image options, with the quote overlaying the photo.