General Information
An official Mississippi College transcript is a complete record of a student's coursework at the University, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses. Partial transcripts are not available.
- The Office of the Registrar cannot provide copies of transcripts from other institutions, even if they are on file. You must request them directly from the issuing institution.
- Transcript requests for coursework completed before 2001 may require an additional 24 hours to process.
Official Transcripts
Order Online
Mississippi College has partnered with Parchment to process our transcript orders online. This service delivers automated processing of official academic transcripts. Current, former, and alumni students can access this web-ordering service to obtain official academic transcripts. You can also pick up your transcript order at the registrar's office.
Current Students
Students currently or have previously enrolled in approximately the past two semesters at MC must log into MyMC.
Select Banner Web for Students
- Select Order an Official Transcript
Former Students
- If you cannot log in to MyMC, you can order directly through Parchment.
- How to Order a Transcript: Video Tutorial
Order in Person
To request a transcript, you can visit the registrar's office in Nelson Hall, Room 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Payments must be completed at the Business Office before placing your order. Cash and credit cards accepted.
- Transcript requests are processed daily but cannot be processed on demand. They will only be released with a valid photo ID.
Each transcript costs $15.00, regardless of the delivery method.
Delivery OPTIONs
Certified original transcripts can be delivered via:
- FedEx (additional fees may apply)
- Email/eTranscript
- Student Pick-up (available the next business day after 2 p.m.)
Unofficial Transcripts
Current Students
Current students can access unofficial transcripts online for free by logging into MyMC.
- Choose Banner Web for Students
- In Student Profile, locate the menu below your profile picture.
- Select Unofficial Academic Transcript
Former Students
Former students can request their unofficial transcripts through this form. Allow 1-2 business days for processing.