Room Assignments
To reserve a residence hall room:
Complete the online housing application. Within the housing application, you will need to pay the $200 non-refundable housing fee to be able to select a room assignment. Please visit the housing sign up website to learn more about this process.
Room assignments are completed fully by the student through the online housing sign up process.
Meal Plans
Meal plans are required for every residential student who does not live in an apartment (College Plaza or University Place). Students with less than 54 completed credit hours must choose a 19 meal plan; students with 54 or more completed credit hours may choose the 19, 14, or 9 meal plan option.
Private Room Requests
The Office of Residence Life handles all private room requests. When Private rooms are available, the charge for the room is twice the cost of the regular room rate.
Canceling Housing
All residents who choose to cancel their housing assignment can do so by logging into the housing portal and canceling their application. To cancel an application, please visit
Check-In & Check-Out
Each student needs to carefully check in and out of the residence hall with the residence hall staff. Specific guidelines must be followed and are communicated in a timely manner.
Activity Fee
At the beginning of every semester, a Residence Hall Activity Fee of $10.00 is required from each on-campus student.
Rules and Guidelines
All students must be familiar with and adhere to the guidelines set forth through the Student Experience Policies.
Residence Hall Closings
All residence halls (as well as food services) are closed and must be vacated for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Holidays. For specific holiday closing dates, please visit the Academic Calendar. Exceptions to this policy can be made and students will be charged per day to stay after residence hall closure and/or arrive before the residence halls open.
Each summer, when available, storage will be made for current residential students. The options and pricing will be communicated with students via their MC email.
Overnight Guests
All guests (Mississippi College students and non-students) must be registered at least 48 hours before their arrival and receive the approval from Residence Life staff before the guest can stay in the residence hall. Spouses and significant others cannot stay overnight for any amount of time with a hosting resident. Mississippi College residents may only have an overnight guest stay with them for a maximum of two nights per month. All guests must be 18 years of age or older (this includes family members) and have a valid photo ID. Log in to to register overnight guests.
Room Changes
Occasionally it is necessary that a student change rooms. This process requires meeting with both your Resident Assistant and Lead Resident Assistant before room changes are approved. If a student does not go through the proper room change process with the Residence Life staff, a $100 room change fine will be applied to their account and they will be required to move back to their previous assignment.
Room Consolidation
For various reasons throughout an academic year, vacancies are created in the residence halls by departing students. If you find yourself without a roommate for the semester, Residence Life would like you to understand your options.
- Move to another room that has an open space (we will provide you with a list of students in the consolidation process).
- Have someone move in with you.
- Stay in the current room and not pay a private room fee with the understanding that the Residence Life Office has the right to move someone into your room at any point in the semester.
- If you make it difficult to assign a new student to your open space in the room then you will be charged with a private room fee.
- Pay the private room fee and never receive a roommate.
Checking Out
When a student vacates a residence hall room he/she is expected to remove all personal belongings from the room, to sweep his/her floor, to clean the bathroom (where appropriate), and to turn in his/her key to the box located outside of the Lead Resident Assistant apartment. Failure to return a key will result in a $100.00 fine. A reasonable assessment of charges is made when a student fails to properly clean his/her room. Failure to properly check-out will result in a $25.00 fine.
Lost Keys/Lockouts
When a student checks out of a room at the end of the academic year or if they have completed a room change and fails to return the key to the room it will result in a $100.00 fine. From time to time students may forget his or her key and be locked out of the their room. On the third lockout, per semester, it will result in a fine of $25.00.
Laundry Service in Residence Halls
Residence hall students have unlimited access to washers and dryers during the fall and spring semesters. The washer and dryers are located in individual halls and/or complexes. Suggestions and/or complaints concerning this service should be reported using the QR code located on each washer and dryer. Note that students living in College Plaza do not pay the laundry fee and have access to pay-per-load laundry facilities located in the apartment complex.
The Residence Life staff works under the supervision of the Director of Residence Life. Each residence hall is supervised by a Lead Resident Assistant who has a staff of Resident Assistants. The Lead Resident Assistants are directly superivsed by Area Coordinators. The Resident Assistants (RAs) are upperclassmen students who have gone through an application/interview and training process with the Residence Life staff and play a vital role in the management of the residence halls. In addition to their administrative duties, these students play a vital role in student development.
Guest Rooms
The University has furnished several rooms in the Holloway Rotunda and designated them as guest rooms. These may be reserved for your family or adult friends in the Office of Residence Life. The fee is nominal and they are available on a “first come, first serve” basis. Reservations for the guest rooms can be made by contacting the Office of Residence Life (601.925.3359). Mississippi College assumes no responsibility for any injury to any young child visiting in the residence hall.
Guests in the Residence Hall
The University encourages students to consider the residence hall as their “home away from home.” Every home occasionally has a guest. If a student would like to have a guest in their residence hall during the day, they must talk to their Resident Assistant at least 48 hours before the guest arrives. If the student would like to have an overnight guest, they must fill out the overnight guest registration form. Children under the age of eighteen (18) years are not allowed inside of the Residence Halls at any time with the exception of special campus-wide weekends such as Homecoming and Parent's Weekend. During these specified weekends the child should be accompanied by a parent at all times. Childcare/Babysitting is not allowed in the residence hall at any time. Residents are personally responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests, which includes adherence to the policies and rules of the university.
Residence Hall Hours
All residence halls require the use of a “card swipe” for entry into the building. Therefore, a student needs to carry his/her ID at all times. Lobby hours for each residence hall will be properly posted.
Courtesy / Quiet Hours
In an effort to allow time for rest and serious academic pursuit, it has been determined by the university administration in consultation with students that Quiet Hours are in effect in every residence hall from 10 p.m. until 8 a.m. daily.
Visitation Policy
The lobbies of designated residence hall lobbies are open to visitors of the opposite gender during posted hours each day. Other than those lobbies, all areas of the residence halls are restricted to the gender of that building.
Each semester the Office of Residence Life will plan with the consent of the administration “VISITATION.” These are the times when the residence halls are open to visitation by invited guests of the residents. This is supervised by the Residence Life Staff. All students and guests are expected to abide by the visitation policy.
These are the rules for Visitation on the Campus of Mississippi College. Please read each rule carefully. These pertain to College Plaza and University Place Apartments as well.
- One entrance will be used for all guests entering the residence hall.
- Students are limited to two visitors only.
- Students and their guest(s) will sign-in and leave a picture ID.
- The student’s guest(s) must be escorted AT ALL TIMES while in the building. The student host is responsible for all actions of his/her guest.
- All doors must be open and no individual is allowed to lie on any bed in the rooms with the guest(s). There must be adequate lighting in all rooms while hosting guests of the opposite sex. Excessive PDA will not be tolerated.
- Restrooms will be designated for guests of the opposite sex in all residence halls with community restrooms. Residence halls without community restrooms will post information of the closest community restroom facilities. Guests are not allowed to use the host’s restroom.
- A Residence hall or a hall floor, by MAJORITY vote, may choose not to participate in Visitation. At least 60% of affected residents must participate in the vote. Cancellation requests should be made in writing by at least 5 students at least 72 hours before and a vote taken and decision made 24 hours before scheduled Visitation.
- A resident shall be permitted to entertain guest(s) only with the expressed permission of his/her roommate(s). Permission should be granted to the roommate prior to Visitation start time.
- Non-MC students must be 18 years old or older in order to participate in Visitation. They must sign in and leave their Student ID or Driver's License with the Desk Assistant.
- Days for visitation will be posted in the residence halls. The times of visitation are everyday except Wednesday from 6:00 PM-12:00 AM. *Subject to change*
Room Visits
Students are expected to keep their rooms in reasonably neat and clean condition. Occasionally it may become necessary for a member of the Residence Life Staff to ask a student to clean his/her room.
Smoking and Tobacco Policy
Mississippi College is a “Smoke-Free” campus. Tobacco use of all forms is also prohibited in residence hall community areas (i.e. lobbies, hallways, and community restrooms).
Recognizing that safety is to a certain extent the responsibility of the entire campus community, students are asked to use good judgment while they are residents of the campus community. All suspicious activity should immediately be reported to Residence Life Staff or the Office of Public Safety. Please refer to the campus emergency procedures published in The Mississippi College Student Handbook and available on the Office of Public Safety website ( It is wise to keep your residence hall door locked whenever you are out of the room. For the protection of all residents, the propping open of outside residence hall doors is strictly prohibited. In the event of an emergency, please follow the directions of your Residential Life Staff.
Civil Action
Since college students are members of the social community outside the campus as well as the college community, they are obligated to respect and abide by the laws of society as well as the regulations of the College. The College takes disciplinary action, when necessary if standards or regulations of the College are violated. When civil laws are violated, the case may be referred to the civil authorities for appropriate action by law.
To possess or discharge fireworks on the Mississippi College campus is a violation of both the University regulations as well as an ordinance of the City of Clinton.
Responsibility for Personal Property
Students at Mississippi College are responsible for the care and safety of personal property which they can bring to campus, including in residence halls. Students should mark personal items clearly and appropriately so that their identity is evident, should there be a question. The College does not assume responsibility for the loss or damage to student’s property which occurs in college buildings or on college grounds. The student agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the College from any suits, claims, demands or damages whatsoever, resulting from or arising out of the theft of or damage to personal property or injury to the student’s person, family or guests which may occur. Therefore, personal property insurance (which could be included in the parent’s Homeowner’s Insurance Policy) should be considered by residents should there be an interest in doing so.
Stolen Property
In addition to the general rule on theft, items such as highway stop signs, speed limit signs, motel property, and other public or private property which are obviously not the rightful possessions of the individual possessing them will not be permitted to remain in the residence hall. In special cases, letters verifying ownership may be requested.
Disturbance on Campus
In support of the General Rules, disturbances on campus will not be tolerated and any student directly or indirectly involved in any disruptive situation may expect definite disciplinary action. Initiations are expressly forbidden in any College residence hall.
Animals in Residence Halls
No animals are allowed in the residence halls except those approved by Counseling and Disability Services. A student who takes an animal into a residence hall or a resident student who allows an animal to remain in his/her room will be subject to disciplinary action. These regulations do not apply to animals that are designated as personal assistants to those with disabilities.