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Residence Life

Residence Halls

Residence hall photos, room information, and staff

Residence Hall Information

Click HERE for a detailed list of room measurements.

Each room includes the following: two XL twin beds, two desks, two chairs, two dressers, and access to a closet. 

Each building includes access to a stove, sink, microwave, and fridge. There are FREE laundry facilities in each building (does not apply to College Plaza). 

Freshmen Housing Options

Whittington Hall

Mary Nelson Hall

  • Freshmen female housing
  • Community style bathrooms
  • Located near dining hall
  • Sink in room
  • Community kitchen
  • Cost - $3,300.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  •  Virtual Tour: Standard Double Room

“Mary Nelson is a great place to get to know the guys you go to school with. With the community style, there’s tons of opportunity to meet guys and have fun together.” 
- Mary Nelson Resident

Mary Nelson Hall Information

Hederman Hall photo

Hederman Hall

  • Freshmen female housing
  • Suite style housing
  • Located near dining hall
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Individual AC units in each room
  • Newly renovated
  • Cost - $3,750.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  •  Virtual Tour: Hederman/Gunter Hall

"Hederman has a very special place in my heart because of the community that has been created throughout the building. The rooms are cozy and it feels like home. Our lobby, shared with Gunter has a great community. Hederman Hall truly is a special place!" -Hederman Resident

Hederman Hall Information

Gunter Hall

  • Freshmen male housing
  • Suite style housing
  • Located near dining hall
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Individual AC units in each room
  • Newly renovated
  • Cost - $3,750.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  •  Virtual Tour: Hederman/Gunter Hall

"Gunter is an incredible place to live with so many great accommodations. The community and connections you make is what makes this dorm so unique. I am so thankful for all the guys that I have met while living in Gunter. " -Gunter Resident

Gunter Hall Information

Ratliff Hall

Ratliff Hall

  • Freshmen housing for males and females 
    • One side of Ratliff will be for females and only females will have ID access to the female side.
    • One side of Ratliff  will be for males and only males will have ID access to the male side. 
  • Community style bathrooms
  • Sink in room
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Renovations currently in progress for Fall 2024
  • Located near athletic facilities and the Quad
  • Cost - $3,750.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: Standard Double Room

Ratliff Hall Information

Latimer-Webb Hall

Latimer-Webb Hall

  • Freshmen female housing
  • Community style bathrooms
  • Laundry facilities on every hall
  • Community kitchen
  • Located near athletic facilities  
  • Cost - $3,300.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: Standard Double Room

"Living in Latimer Webb has been such a blessing to me! Forming a community with the girls on my hall and building has made the college experience so fun. Whether I am going to do laundry, getting work done in a study room, or fellowshipping in the lobby space, Latimer Webb always offers a welcoming space that I cherish." - Latimer Web Resident

Latimer-Webb Information

Whittington Hall

Whittington Hall

  • Male and female housing
    • One side of Whittington will be for females and only females will have ID access to the female side.
    • One side of Whittington will be for males and only males will have ID access to the male side. 
  • Community style bathrooms
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Community kitchen 
  • Located near the volleyball court
  • Cost - $3,000.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: Standard Double Room

"I have lived in the Whitt for two years now and for me, it feels like home. I have made some crazy fun memories and the community style has allowed me to meet people I never would have otherwise and make lasting friendships. The rooms are a great size in my opinion and have served me well over the years. I am so thankful for the Whitt and all that has been done for me! -Whittington Resident

Whittington Hall Information

Upperclassmen Housing Options

New Men's Hall

East Tower

  • Upperclassmen female housing 
  • Suite style housing
  • ADA rooms available
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Cost - $4,100.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: East/West Tower

"One of the reasons why I love East is because of the connections I have made. I have met so many sweet girls on my hall and in my dorm. All of the RAs are so encouraging and joyful. I am constantly reminded of the Lord's goodness when I am around people in East!" -East Resident

East Tower Information

West Tower

  • Upperclassmen male housing
  • Suite style housing
  • ADA rooms available
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Cost - $4,100.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: East/West Tower

"I love living in West because it was easy to call my dorm room and building a home. I have made many connections with my hallmates, and I love visiting the lobby to watch a movie, play games, and study with the rest of the East/West residents. I catch myself calling the dorm "home" a lot now which makes my transition from my hometown to campus living way easier!" -West Resident

West Tower Information

East & West Tower Hall

Quick Hall

  • Upperclassmen female housing
  • Each bedroom has its own bathroom
  • ADA rooms available
  • Shares the Holloway Rotunda with Cockroft-Caldwell Hall
  • Multiple study spaces along Holloway Rotunda
  • Only female students are allowed to have ID access to the female entrances to Quick
  • Located near the Healthplex (gym facility)
  • Cost - $4,400.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: Quick/CC Hall

"Living in Quick is a great balance of a more individualized living space, while also still providing the opportunity for community in the daily interactions had in the rotunda and the other central shared spaces" -Quick Resident

Cockroft-Caldwell Hall 

  • Upperclassmen male housing
  • Each bedroom has its own bathroom
  • ADA rooms available
  • Shares the Holloway Rotunda with Quick Hall
  • Multiple study spaces along Holloway Rotunda
  • Only male students are allowed to have ID access to the male entrances to Cockroft-Caldwell Hall
  • Located near the Healthplex (gym facility)
  • Cost - $4,400.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  • Virtual Tour: Quick/CC Hall

"I love living in CC because it is such a nice place to unwind after a busy day with academic and social things on campus. Having my friends down the hall is such a blessing and I always love it when they come in and hangout!"- CC Resident

Cockroft-Caldwell and Quick Halls Information

Chrestman Hall

Chrestman Hall

  • Upperclassmen female housing
  • Community style bathroom
  • Located near athletic facilities and the Quad
  • Two large lobby areas
  • Community kitchen
  • Cost - $3,300.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  •  Virtual Tour: Standard Double Room

"Living in Chrestman has been an amazing experience because of the community created here. It is amazing to walk through the building and see your closest friends as you come and go through the day!" -Chrestman Resident

Chrestman Hall Information

Whittington Hall

  • Male and female housing
    • One side of Whittington will be for females and only females will have ID access to the female side.
    • One side of Whittington will be for males and only males will have ID access to the male side. 
  • Community style bathrooms
  • Co-ed lobby
  • Community kitchen 
  • Located near the volleyball court
  • Cost - $3,000.00 per term (plus meal plan)
  •  Virtual Tour: Standard Double Room

"I have lived in the Whitt for two years now and for me, it feels like home. I have made some crazy fun memories, and the community style has allowed me to meet people I never would have otherwise and make lasting friendships. The rooms are a great size in my opinion and have served me well over the years. I am so thankful for the Whitt and all that has been done for me! -Whittington Resident

Whittington Hall Information

On-Campus Apartments

By application process only.

University Place

University Place

  • Eight single-gender apartment buildings
  • ADA apartments available
  • Four students per apartment
  • Each apartment comes furnished with the following: kitchen table, four chairs, dishwasher, microwave, oven, living room couch, chair, tv stand, xl twin bed, dresser, desk, and desk chair
  • Available through an application process for Senior and Junior students who currently reside on campus
  • Cost - $6,050.00 per term (no meal plan required)
  • Virtual Tour: University Place Apartments

"Living in University Place is great because you get to live with some of your best friends while also enjoying amenities like your own kitchen and bathroom! The community in the buildings is great and I have loved living here!" - UP Resident

University Place Information