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Timely Notifications of Clery Crimes

02-04-2023: Two Suspects Arrested in Auto Thefts

The Mississippi College Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are investigating a reported auto theft.

This Timely Warning message is part of the Mississippi College Office of Public Safety’s commitment to providing campus-area crime information in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act, as it is commonly known.

The incident type is Auto Theft of a Vehicle. The theft occurred on 02/03/23 at approximately 5:00 p.m. The vehicle was parked at the University Place Apartments near Building B. 

Incident information:

A gray Hyundai Sonata with no license tag pulled into the University Place Apartments lot around 5:00 p.m. on 2/3/23. One of at least two suspects struck the rear driver’s side window of a black 2013 Hyundai Elantra, breaking it, then waited several minutes for potential witnesses to clear the area. The suspect then entered the vehicle through the broken window. A second suspect broke into a Kia Forte parked in the same lot but was interrupted by the car alarm, and this car was not stolen. The suspects left at approximately 5:05 p.m. A resident of building B saw what was happening and called Public Safety. The stolen vehicle and suspect vehicle then traveled south through the parking lot before exiting east on Fairmont Street.

The Clinton Police Department was notified via radio, and officers arrested two suspects just across the city limits in Jackson after a brief pursuit. The suspects are additionally believed to be involved with an auto theft in the Easthaven neighborhood of Clinton that occurred during the same timeframe as the thefts on the MC campus Friday evening.

The MC Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are working together with other law enforcement agencies to identify and arrest any additional suspects involved in these crimes.

Crime prevention and awareness: 

·  Always lock your vehicle.

·  Close all windows and sunroofs.

·  Always take your keys with you.

·  Never hide your key on or in the vehicle.

·  Park in well-lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic, and never leave your vehicle running when unattended.

·  Always be aware of your surroundings, and notify immediately one of the following if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious:

·  MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204)

  Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252) 

MC Office of Public Safety urges anyone with additional information to contact our office at 601-925-3204 or the Clinton Police Department at 601-924-5252.

01-31-2023: The Mississippi College Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are investigating a reported auto theft

This Timely Warning message is part of the Mississippi College Office of Public Safety’s commitment to providing campus-area crime information in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act, as it is commonly known.

The incident type is Auto Theft of a Vehicle. The vehicle was parked in lot R-B, below the coliseum. The theft occurred on 01/30/23 at approximately 1:30 p.m. 

Incident information:

A gray Hyundai Sonata with no license tag pulled into the lot around 1:24 p.m. A suspect wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and orange or red shorts exits the suspect vehicle and approaches the victim's vehicle, a white 2019 Hyundai Sonata. The suspect strikes the rear passenger window, breaking it. He then enters the passenger side of the vehicle. He starts the vehicle and exits the parking lot along with the gray Hyundai. Both vehicles travel south on Capitol Street before turning east on Highway 80.

This theft is consistent with a pattern in the Jackson metro area in that all vehicles involved are either Kia or Hyundai models. There appear to be at least two suspects.

The MC Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are working together and in conjunction with other area Law Enforcement agencies to identify and arrest any suspects involved in these crimes.

Crime prevention and awareness:

·  Always lock your vehicle.

·  Close all windows and sunroofs.

·  Always take your keys with you.

·  Never hide your key on or in the vehicle.

·  Park in well-lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic, and never leave your vehicle running when unattended.

·  Always be aware of your surroundings, and notify one of the following if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious:

·  MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204)

·  Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252) 

MC Office of Public Safety urges anyone who might have any additional information to contact our office at 601-925-3204 or the Clinton Police Department at 601-924-5252.

01-26-2023: The Mississippi College Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are investigating reported auto thefts

This Timely Warning message is part of the Mississippi College Office of Public Safety’s commitment to providing campus-area crime information in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act, as it is commonly known.

The incident type is Auto Theft of a Vehicle. The vehicles were parked in the lower resident parking lot of University Place on the north end. The first theft occurred on 01/26/23 at approximately 2:40 a.m. The second occurred on 01/26/23 at approximately 1:40 p.m. It is believed that the same suspects are responsible for both thefts.

Incident information:

A Kia Soul vehicle entered the lower parking lot of University Place on 1/26/23 at 2:40 a.m. A suspect from the Kia Soul entered a Black 2017 Hyundai Sonata and exited the parking lot in the stolen vehicle. Broken glass on the ground indicated a window was broken to gain entry.  Both vehicles exited and went west on Fairmont Street. It is believed that both of these vehicles have been recovered in the city of Jackson. No suspects were with the vehicles when recovered.

Additionally, on 01/26/23 at approximately 1:40 p.m., a Silver Kia sedan entered the lower parking lot at University Place, and a suspect from the Kia entered a Gray 2017 Hyundai Sonata and exited, also going west on Fairmont Street. A picture of the Kia sedan and a suspect is attached.

There appears to be a pattern in that all vehicles involved are either Kia or Hyundai models. There appear to be at least two suspects.

The MC Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are working together to identify and arrest any suspects involved in these crimes.

Crime prevention and awareness:

·  Always lock your vehicle.

·  Close all windows and sunroofs.

·  Always take your keys with you.

·  Never hide your key on or in the vehicle.

·  Park in well-lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic, and never leave your vehicle running when unattended.

·  Always be aware of your surroundings, and notify one of the following if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious:

·  MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204)

·  Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252) 

MC Office of Public Safety urges anyone who might have any additional information to contact our office at 601-925-3204 or the Clinton Police Department at 601-924-5252.

09-17-2022: The Mississippi College Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are investigating a reported Auto Theft

The Mississippi College Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are investigating a reported Auto Theft

This Timely Warning message is part of the Mississippi College Office of Public Safety’s commitment to provide campus-area crime information in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or, Clery Act, as it is commonly known.

The incident type is Auto Theft of a Vehicle. The vehicle was parked in the Resident parking lot (R-D) northeast of the intersection of Highway 80 and Capitol Street on the Clinton campus.  The incident occurred on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at approximately 2:00 AM.  The auto theft was not discovered until the evening of Friday, August 16, 2022, when the student returned to their vehicle. 

 Incident information:

 A black Ford F-150 4-door pickup truck entered the parking lot at 1:58 AM. The suspect driver parked the truck in the lot and blacked out the headlights. Two unidentified occupants of the truck exited the vehicle and made entry into a 2013 Acura sedan. The suspects left in the suspect vehicle and the stolen Acura at 2:01 AM. They exited onto Capitol St. before heading east on Highway 80. The suspects are believed to be involved in a large number of auto burglaries that occurred throughout the metro Jackson area between September 14, 2022 and September 15, 2022. The MC Office of Public Safety and the Clinton Police Department are working together to identify the suspects in this incident.

Crime prevention and awareness:

  • Always lock your vehicle.
  • Close all windows and sunroofs.
  • Always take your keys with you.
  • Never hide your key on or in the vehicle.
  • Park in well-lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic and never leave your vehicle running when unattended.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings, and notify one of the following if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious:

MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204)

Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252)

MC Office of Public Safety urges anyone who might have any additional information to contact our office at 601-925-3204 or the Clinton Police Department at 601-924-5252.

08-31-2022: Mississippi College Public Safety and the Capitol Police Department are investigating a reported Auto Theft

This Timely Warning message is part of Mississippi College's Public Safety Department's commitment to provide campus-area crime information in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or, Clery Act, as it is commonly known.

The incident type is an Auto Theft. A vehicle parked in the large parking lot across from the Mississippi College School of Law, adjacent to Griffith Street, was stolen. The incident occurred on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at approximately 10:40 AM  

Incident information:

A black Ford F-150 pickup truck, later determined to be previously stolen from another location, entered the parking lot at 10:40 AM. The truck contained at least two unidentified subjects, who unlawfully gained entry into three vehicles in the lot. A fourth truck, a Ford F-150, was broken into and subsequently stolen. The individual driving the stolen truck, along with the individual in the suspect vehicle, proceeded to burglarize a fourth vehicle before exiting the parking lot at approximately 10:43 AM. A handgun was stolen out of one of the vehicles. All of the vehicles that were compromised were Ford F-Series pickup trucks. These trucks were breached using a screwdriver placed through the door, below the door handle. 

 The stolen F-150 was recovered approximately two hours later in another area of Jackson. The Capitol Police Department is leading the investigation with the cooperation of the Mississippi College Office of Public Safety. 

Prevention information:

Crime prevention and awareness: Always lock your vehicle, close all windows and sunroofs, and take your keys. Never hide your key on or in the vehicle, park in well-lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic and never leave your vehicle running when unattended. Always be aware of your surroundings, and notify one of the following if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious:

  • MC Office of Public Safety (Main Campus 601-925-3204; Law School 601-925-7771) 
  • Capitol Police Department (601-359-3125)
  • Jackson Police Department (601-960-1234 or 911) 

MC Office of Public Safety urges anyone who might have any additional information to contact our office at 601-925-3204.

10-03-2019: Domestic Violence and Stalking

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, Mississippi College Public Safety and Clinton Police Department would like to inform you regarding the acts of Domestic Violence and Stalking.

Please be alert for a non-student who is described as a 30 year-old African American male, 6’2” about 165 pounds. He is known to drive a 2001 White Honda CRV, with Hinds County disabled license plate DBS3308.   

This individual has made violent threats towards himself and members of the Clinton campus in the vicinity of New Women's West Residence Hall.

This person is not allowed on campus and the Clinton Police Department is actively searching for this individual in order to effect an arrest.  

If you see this individual on the campus please notify the office of Public Safety as soon as possible at 601-925-3204 or the Clinton Police Department at 601-924-5252 or Dial 911.

Prevention information:

Always be aware of your surroundings and immediately notify the MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204) or Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252 or 911) if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious. Stay in well lit areas at night and travel in pairs when possible.  Do not prop open any doors and keep possessions secured. 

09-11-2019: Campus Trespasser

Mississippi College Public Safety and Clinton Police Department would like to inform you regarding a trespasser.

Please be aware that a person has been charged and arrested for trespassing on campus and adjacent to campus. The individual is a 28 year-old African American male  5’9” about 165 pounds. He has been spotted in his car, with Hinds County license HNJ 0016, by Cups on Monroe Street and on the loop between Mary Nelson and Latimer Webb dormitories. This person is not allowed on campus.   Due to the repetitive nature of this activity we want to inform students and employees to remain watchful. 

 If you see this individual on the campus please notify the office of Public Safety as soon as possible at 601-925-3204 or the Clinton Police Department at 601-924-5252 or Dial 911.

Prevention information:

Always be aware of your surroundings and immediately notify the MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204) or Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252 or 911) if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious. Stay in well lighted areas at night and travel in pairs when possible.  Do not prop open any doors and keep possessions secured.

08-19-2017: Burglary of a Residence Hall Room in New Women's West

Mississippi College Public Safety and Clinton Police Department are investigating a reported burglary on the Mississippi College campus.

Incident Location and Date:  The incident being reported occurred on the 3rd floor of New Women's west dormitory.  The incident occurred on Saturday, August 19th, 2017 at approximately 9:00 PM.

 Incident Information: An unknown person entered a dorm room through a door which had been left open by the occupants. A laptop and blue-tooth speaker were stolen from the room.

 Crime Prevention and Awareness: Please keep dorms rooms and vehicles locked when not occupied and always keep your personal belongings on your person or close by. Always be aware of your surroundings and notify the MC Office of Public Safety (601­925­3204) or Clinton Police Department (601­924­5252 or 911) if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious.

 MC Dept. of Public Safety urges anyone who might have information pertaining to this incident to contact the Mississippi College Department of Public Safety at 601-925-3204.

04-02-2017: Mississippi College Public Safety and Clinton Police Department investigating a reported Robbery (Specifically Armed Carjacking)

 Incident information:

A White Kia Optima was stolen from the lower level of the parking garage at Highway 80 around 4:30 PM on the afternoon of Sunday, April 2.  A single black male suspect approached the victim immediately after she parked her car on the first level of the parking garage.  The suspect entered the victims car on the passenger side and displayed a handgun and demanded her car and personal property.  After relinquishing her property the victim fled the scene and notified police.

 Prevention information:

 Crime prevention and awareness​:  Always be aware of your surroundings, assess the area where you will be par​k​ing  and be on the lookout for suspicious persons.  If you are uncomfortable with the situation, drive to another location and notify the MC Office of Public Safety (601-925-3204) or Clinton Police Department (601-924-5252 or 911) if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious. Also MC office of Public Safety is available to provide security escorts.  Always remember crime can happen at any time and each person should be vigilant concerning their personal safety.

MC Dept. of Public Safety urges anyone who might have any additional information to contact our office at 601-925-3204.

07-09-2016: Armed Robbery- sidewalk adjacent to the campus of Mississippi College

Mississippi College Public Safety and Clinton Police Department are investigating a reported armed robbery adjacent to Mississippi College’s campus.

Incident Location and Date:  The incident being reported occurred on the College Street sidewalk across from First Baptist Church just outside of Mississippi College property.  The incident occurred on Saturday, July 9, 2016, at approximately 4:00 AM.

Incident Information: Two male subjects, one a Mississippi College student and the other a younger sibling of the student, were walking on the sidewalk near FBC at approximately 4:00 AM on the morning of Saturday, July 9. They were using a phone app called Pokemon Go, which involves finding hidden locations via GPS. They were approached by two African American males in a vehicle identified as an older model, red or maroon Buick sedan. One of the male subjects brandished a handgun and demanded the two victim’s cell phones which were immediately relinquished. The suspects then fled the scene in the identified vehicle, turning and heading north on Monroe Street.

There were no injuries to the victims.

Crime Prevention and Awareness: Put your cell phone away while walking to and from cars and buildings. Try to limit your time out late at night. If you have to be out during late night or early morning hours, be extra vigilant. Always be aware of your surroundings and notify the MC Office of Public Safety (601-­925­-3204) or Clinton Police Department (601­924­5252 or 911) if you see anything that seems out of the ordinary or suspicious. 

MC Dept. of Public Safety urges anyone who might have information pertaining to this incident to contact the Mississippi College Department of Public Safety at 601-925-3204.

See link:

Pursuant to the Clery Act, all applicable crimes that are reported in the geographical area of Mississippi College will be posted on this page, and emailed to the campus community. This is done to let the campus community be aware of crimes, and to help its members avoid becoming potential victims of crimes.