MC Alert: Mississippi College will resume normal operations Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Learn More
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The regulations concerning traffic control and parking shall be enforced by the proper authority. The Office of Public Safety has been granted the authority to issue citations and to ask for and receive from civil authorities any assistance needed to initiate local action against violators. Authority is also issued to utilize the use of tire locks and relocation/towing in any traffic violation as deemed necessary to maintain regulations and campus safety.

Parking Violations

The designated areas of parking shall be posted in the individual parking areas of the Mississippi College campus, as set up, and approved by the SGA Executive Council, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Office of Public Safety.

The following shall be parking violations of the Mississippi College traffic regulations:

1. No registration or improper registration

Failure to Register
All motor vehicles brought on campus by faculty, staff, day students, residence hall students, night students, food service workers, and physical plant workers must be properly registered with the Office of Public Safety unless otherwise authorized under the provision of this bill. The fines for this violation, if paid within twenty-four (24) hours after the issuance of said citation, shall be applied to the cost of registration. If a period of 24 hours passes before action is taken, the fines are to be forfeited, and the cost of registration will be required in full. Campus Security will issue temporary stickers at no charge to students who have previously registered a motor vehicle at Mississippi College. The student desiring such a sticker for an additional motor vehicle brought on the campus should take his decal number to the Office of Public Safety in order to secure the temporary sticker.

Improper Decal
Only one Mississippi College decal is to be displayed at a time. The decal is to be displayed in one of the following locations:

  • left lower corner of the rear window
  • left rear bumper
  • on a metal plate attached to the automobile tag

2. Wrong Lot

This shall apply only to students designated to park in a particular student lot parking in another student lot; it shall not apply to students parking in any other area.

3. Over-the-line

This shall include double parking and taking more than the allotted space.

4. Blocking traffic

This shall include parking on undesignated areas at any time that are for automobile movement.

5. Tow-away zone

All tow-away zones shall be properly designated by yellow marking or by “tow-away” signs. Vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense.

6. Restricted or improper parking

This shall include parking on any sidewalk, blocking a crosswalk or handicap ramp, grass area, or parking in wrong areas so designated during weekdays.

7. Other - This shall include:

  • A. Causing an accident - this shall cover all accidents that might occur, no respect given to severity.
  • B. Overtime Parking - a limit of ten (10) minutes shall be placed on all loading zones. Violators can be ticketed once every hour past that ten-minute limit, up to five tickets in five hours, and/or be towed.
  • C. Visitor Parking - no registered student, faculty or staff of Mississippi College shall park in a Visitor Parking place.
  • D. Falsifying a ticket - any student who is given a traffic citation at any time on a motor vehicle that is not registered with the proper authorities and in accordance with 1352 the regulations as set forth in this bill and who wished to have the cost of the fines absorbed on the basis of a visiting relative or friend on the campus, must have the citation initialized by the proper authorities in the business office within 24 hours after the citation was issued not including Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, then mail the citation home to be signed in full by the relative or friend who was visiting on the campus with motor vehicle at the time the citation was issued. There shall be an allowance period of one week for this relative or friend, or the fines will be charged in accordance with the stipulation of this bill.
  • E. Fire Zone, Handicap, and other restricted areas. FIRE ZONES are designated by red curb paint. To adhere to safety codes and for the protection of the campus population, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED IN THESE AREAS. HANDICAPPED SPACES are designated by blue curb paint. Only vehicles displaying a valid handicapped sticker issued by an appropriate state agency may park in these spaces.

Moving Violations

The following shall be moving violations of the Mississippi College traffic regulations on the campus and while entering and/or leaving the campus:

1. Reckless Driving

This shall include driving in such a way as to endanger persons or property.

2. Speeding

The posted speed limit on the MC campus shall be 15 miles per hour.

3. Entering a One-Way Street Wrong

This shall include traveling on a one-way street in the wrong direction or pulling into a one-way street in the wrong direction for parking purposes.

4. Running a Stop sign

5. Failure to Yield Right of Way at a Yield sign.


All fines are subject to be changed as needed for proper enforcement.

  1. Reckless Driving - $25.00
  2. Entering One-Way Street Wrong - $25.00
  3. Running Stop Sign - $25.00
  4. No registration or improper registration - $15.00
  5. Wrong Lot - $25.00
  6. Failure to yield at a yield sign - $25.00
  7. Blocking Traffic - $25.00
  8. Tow-Away Zone - $50.00
  9. Restricted or Improper Parking - $25.00
  10. Faculty/Staff zone - $25.00
  11. Double parking/Over Line - $25.00
  12. Other:
    1. Causing an accident - $25.00
    2. Overtime Parking - $25.00 1st citation (See Section 104, 7-B), $10.00 each additional
    3. Visitor Parking - $25.00
    4. Falsifying a ticket - $25.00
    5. Fire Zone - $50.00
    6. Parking in a Handicap Zone - $50.00
    7. President and Vice Presidents’ Areas - $50.00
    8. Relocation/Tow fee - $50.00
    9. Tire Lock fee - $50.00
    10. Double Parking in Mary Nelson Lot - $50.00

All fines shall be paid to the Mississippi College Business Office within ten days after the citation has been issued. These time limits do not include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Additional Evening and Weekend Parking

  • From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, all lots north of College Street are considered open to non-resident parking (Commuter and Faculty/Staff).
  • From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, Faculty/Staff lots are considered open lots to resident and non-resident parking (Commuter and Faculty/Staff).
  • From 3:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00 a.m. Monday, all Faculty/Staff lots are considered open.

Designated parking places should not be violated at any time on weekdays, weekends or holidays.


Drivers who are issued a citation may appeal the citation to the Judicial Council. This appeal must be made within five (5) days from the time the citation was issued, not including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, in order for the appeal to be valid.

How to Appeal a Traffic Citation:

  1. Obtain an appeal form online at
  2. Complete and submit the form within five (5) days of the time the citation was issued.
  3. Pay the fines only if you receive notification that the Judicial Council has denied or reduced your appeal.
  4. The Judicial Council will consider all traffic appeals within a two-week period from the time the appeal is submitted.

Excessive Tickets

A person issued an excess of five tickets for any traffic violations, as stated in this bill, shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Judicial Council, and may be fined up to, but not over $25.00 for each offense and placed on traffic probation. This is specified as follows:

  1. That the Office of Public Safety be required to report to the Judicial Council any person who has received their sixth ticket for disciplinary action.
  2. That any student receiving ten tickets during a given semester shall have parking privileges on the MC campus revoked for the remainder of that semester; such student shall be reported by the Office of Public Safety to the Judicial Council for this action.
  3. That the fine and/or disciplinary action be paid or taken care of within 20 days, if the action is not taken care of, the person shall be subject to further disciplinary action by the Judicial Council.
  4. That the Judicial Council be responsible for following up the disciplinary action that they hand out.


Locations of Lots, Descriptions, and Directions

All vehicles brought on campus by residence hall students, commuter students, faculty and staff must be properly registered with the Office of Public Safety located in Alumni Hall. Temporary parking permits are available at no charge through the Office of Public Safety 24 hours a day. Mississippi College DOES NOT assume responsibility for any losses of or damage to property that occurs in University buildings, lots or grounds. 

R1 Lots:

Restricted parking for University Place residents and College Plaza. R-1 residents may NOT park in Resident (R) or Commuter (C) designated lots during designated evening and weekend hours described below.

R Lots:

  • include the lots on the south side of the Coliseum between Coliseum Drive and Capitol Street
  • the loop which begins south of Ratliff Drive and circles around West Tower and East Tower and up to the corner of McLemore Drive and Nelson Drive
  • the lots directly south and east of the volleyball courts next to Whittington Hall and New Men's Hall
  • the lot south of Latimer Webb and north of Hwy. 80
  • lots north of New Men's Hall
  • lots to the south and east of Whittington Hall, and the 1st and 2nd levels of the parking garage. (No residents are permitted to park on 3rd level of parking garage)
  • R lots serve the residents of Hederman, Gunter, Mary Nelson, Latimer Webb, East Tower, West Tower, Chrestman Hall, New Men's Residence Hall, Whittington Hall, and Ratliff Hall. (This does not include any parking spaces at the Healthplex.)

Commuter Students

Commuter students (C Decals) are to park north of College Street in the parking lots designated as Lot 1, Lot 4, Lot 5, Lot 6, and Lot 7. 

No parking is permitted at First Baptist Church lots with the exception of Lot #7 (Activities Building).  Tickets may be issued by Public Safety officers in all First Baptist lots.

Commuter students who are members of the Healthplex should obtain from the Healthplex Desk a Healthplex Parking Permit to be displayed on the front left dashboard of your vehicle ONLY when utilizing the Healthplex facility.

Additional Evening and Weekend Parking for Students

  • From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, all lots north of College Street are considered open to non-resident parking (Commuter and Faculty/Staff).
  • From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, Faculty/Staff lots (other than the Physical Plant lot) are considered open lots to resident and non-resident parking (Commuter and Faculty/Staff).
  • From 3:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00 a.m . Monday, all Faculty/Staff lots (other than the Physical Plant lot) are considered open.

Designated parking places should not be violated at any time on weekdays, weekends or holidays.

Visitor parking is designated by green curb paint and is reserved for guests of the University. Visitor parking is available in front of Nelson Hall. Resident students, Commuter students, and Faculty/Staff are prohibited from parking in Visitor Parking between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM.

Healthplex parking is reserved for off-campus, Healthplex patrons. Resident students are strictly prohibited from parking at the Healthplex at any time.  Commuters & Faculty/Staff who are members of the Healthplex should obtain from the Healthplex Desk a Healthplex Parking Permit to be displayed on the front left dashboard of your vehicle ONLY when utilizing the Healthplex facility.

Loading zones are designated and provide a temporary loading area. Vehicles should only use the loading zone areas to load or unload. Time restrictions are placed on these zones. The Office of Public Safety should be contacted with special loading/unloading needs.

Improperly parked vehicles may be towed/relocated, at the discretion of the Office of Public Safety, from loading zones, fire zones, handicapped spaces, reserved parking spaces, or other designated tow-away zones. A towing/relocation fee of $50 will be charged. A tire lock may also be placed on improperly parked vehicles. A fee of $50 will be charged to remove the tire lock.

Law School students who live on campus must park in R or R-1 lots depending on housing assignment. Law school students who commute may park in commuter lots.

Employees should park in areas designated for Faculty/Staff and Physical Plant.

Fire zones are designated by red curb paint. To adhere to safety codes and for the protection of the campus population, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED IN THESE AREAS.

Handicapped spaces are designated by blue curb paint. Only vehicles displaying a valid handicapped sticker issued by an appropriate state agency may park in these spaces.

MC Alert

Mississippi College will resume normal operations Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Learn More