Established in the fall of 2014, the MC Archery Team has won several national individual and team titles. Comprised of men and women archers, the team shoots in 3D, indoor, and outdoor target events. It has competed in tournaments and visited historic and social attractions from Virginia to California, including the Revolutionary War battlefields of Yorktown, the Amish farms of Pennsylvania, and the Grand Canyon National Park.
Facility Overview
The MC Archery Team practices at the MDWFP Archery Center, home of the Mississippi Collegiate Indoor Archery Championship. The facility provides a climate-controlled environment with 14 40x40-inch bales set at 20 yards apart and a classroom used for meetings and equipment maintenance. Outside the center, a range is available for 50- and 70-meter outdoor target practice.
For 3D archery practice, the team uses a facility at Traceway Park in Clinton that is second to none. Two ranges are available as needed for tournament preparation and for the Mississippi State Collegiate 3D Championships. 50- and 70-meter targets may be set up for outdoor practice.

The MC Archery Team begins practicing for 3D events a week before the school semester starts. The 3D events carry into October. Following the 3D season, the team prepares for the indoor season, which begins with tournaments during the Christmas Break and extends through the beginning of March. As the outdoor season begins, practice moves outdoors for outdoor regional and national tournaments, which end shortly after spring semester classes dismiss.
Student Expenses
Donors, sponsors, and Mississippi College cover the team’s coaching fees, USA Archery membership fees, tournament entry fees, and travel fees. Archers are responsible for a small fee each semester to participate on the team.
Team members are responsible for their own equipment and supplies, while Mississippi College provides shooting jerseys, practice shirts, target faces, and practice materials.