Being a transfer, I have found the transition here more difficult than anticipated. I have lived on my own, I know how to do my own laundry, I know what it takes to get to class on time, but I am still in a season of transition. Physically, Mississippi College is my home. Most of my belongings are here, I sleep and eat here, but I am still in the process of finding the community attributed to home. There is an unrealistic expectation that many of us place on ourselves to find our place immediately. Community and belonging is something we fight for.
It is only by intentional pursuit and growth that we build the walls of belonging.
The transition to any new place, especially in the midst of COVID, is guaranteed to be difficult. I have found Mississippi College faculty and staff to walk alongside me in the process of calling MC home. What sets Mississippi College apart specifically is the fact that you are also sought out by faculty and staff. From professors caring about my education and meeting with me one-on-one, to receiving grace upon grace as I start my on-campus job, there is freedom to make mistakes and be known here. Many times, I have received the message that I am not alone in cultivating belonging. It is here that I have found faculty working alongside of me, helping me build the walls of home.
Specifically, Director of Student Engagement, Becca Benson, explains that Chapel is incorporated into the weekly routine of students’ schedules. This results in a place of rest and a time to focus in the middle of the busyness. Professors’ office hours are made known to students to encourage the one-on-one relationship between student and teacher. Additionally, there are countless ways for students to work alongside staff through on-campus jobs.
Admissions counselor, Kaitlin Turcotte summarizes staff’s vision when speaking about what she hopes students get out of their Front Row Experience. She says “I want them to walk away knowing that there are people here who are going to love them and challenge them” she continues by saying, “We are going to grow you, we are going to stretch you, and we are going to push you, but we also are going to love you.”
It is here at Mississippi College that you will find yourself being stretched in love and partnered with in difficulty. Building community is a process and you are not alone in it. In the middle of transition and finding my place, I have also found that the community here is worth fighting for.
The most rewarding things are also the things we must work the hardest for.
Even in the midst of transition, Staff and faculty want you to know that you are seen here, you are known here, and most importantly, you will grow here.
Sincerely, MC