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Clubs & Tribes


Nenamoosha Social Tribe develops personal relationships to form the links in its bond of sisterhood and positive attitude reflected in words and actions. NT also encourages spiritual growth and Christ-like character to prepare each girl to serve the world community.

"And now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."

1 Corinthians 13:13


Dr. Cindy Melton / Dr. Sydney Holbert / Taylor Orman / Deanna Russell


The Orphan Door


Red Heart, Red Rose, and Bear


Red and White


"One in the bond of love." 

"Nenamoosha is a sisterhood where we truly are ‘one in the bond of love’ & are always there to support one another as Believers in Christ. From the beginning to the very end of being a part of this organization you form lifelong friendships, have a place to be undeniably yourself, and a group who will support you in everything you do. Nenamoosha allows me to be a part of something larger than myself and I am beyond honored to have the privilege to lead and serve this group of young women!"

-Kat Moss, Nenamoosha President, 2022-2023