MC Alert: Mississippi College will resume normal operations Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Learn More
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Representing the University

In order to represent the University or student body in any of its organized activities, such as musical organizations and athletics, a student must have satisfactorily passed two-thirds of a regular student load of academic work during the previous semester and be doing creditable work at the same time of such representation. A student may be denied the privilege of representing the University or student body in any of its organized activities and/or holding elective office as a result of failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress; and/or disciplinary action, as stated in the Student Code.

Identification Cards

Every student who does not have an ID card from a prior semester will obtain an Identification Card during the registration process. The student is expected to have this card in his/her possession at all times.  Use of another student’s ID is not allowed. Students will use the card for admission to school-sponsored activities,  and Alumni Gym, as a voting permit during student body elections, for library privileges, to scan for chapel credit, and for obtaining a copy of the TRIBESMAN at the end of the school year.  Resident students will use their ID cards for meals in the Food Court, points in Hampstead’s, and to enter secured doors in residence halls.   A student withdrawing from the University will surrender his/her ID Card to the MC Bursar’s Office at the time the withdrawal papers are processed.

Health & Safety Exemption Requirement

The school only discloses personally identifiable information from an education record to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.

Excessive Tickets

Due to the excessive tickets received by students in the past and the current parking situation,  students  receiving  five  or  more  parking  citations,  regardless  of  ticket payment or classification, will be required to appear before the Mississippi College Judicial Council and the SGA Chief Justice at said council’s discretion. Failure to appear on scheduled date will result in disciplinary action by the Judicial Council. Those students receiving ten or more violations, within the course of one semester, will, upon notice, automatically have their parking privileges revoked. If a student is caught parking a vehicle on campus after their parking privileges have been revoked, the vehicle driven by that student will be towed at the student’s expense and additional disciplinary action taken against the student.  The Chief Justice shall report monthly on excessive tickets to the Vice President for Enrollment Services and Dean of Students. A copy of excessive tickets will be sent from the Office of Public Safety to the Vice President for Enrollment Services and Dean of Students monthly.

Parking of Non-Automobiles on Campus

Parking spaces on Mississippi College campus are designed to meet the needs of the campus community, specifically those vehicles registered with the Office of Public Safety. Due to the limitations of space and the liability of personal property, trailers, boats, RVs, campers, and similar non-motor vehicles are strictly prohibited from being parked/stored/left on campus.

General Student Records

The College may require such information from or about a student or prospective student to enable the institution to enter into a relationship with the students in keeping with the standards, policies, and regulations of Mississippi College.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, college students have the right to inspect and review any and all educational records pertaining to them, including records directly related to the student and maintained by Mississippi College or by a party acting for Mississippi College, unless such records are exempt by law.

Records of a student will be released only if specifically authorized by law, and otherwise, only upon the written direction and consent of a student.

 The  following  items  may  be  used  as  ‘Directory  Information’  according  to  the provisions of the Act of Congress and its regulations:  name, college address, telephone numbers, parents’ names, home address, date and place of birth, college classification, major field of study, student activities, degrees and awards, religious preference and denomination,  previous  educational  institutions  or  agencies  attended,  church membership, height and weight, campus employment, marital status, name of spouse, class standing and schedules, full or part-time status, graduation date, fact of medical injury when essential, residence hall or commuter status, military status, fact and dates of attendance, reason for termination of student status, and athletic statistics.

The College will use its own discretion in the release of any or all of these items of ‘Directory Information’ while keeping in mind the best interests of a student at Mississippi College. No indiscriminate use of this information will be allowed.  Any individual    student    may    refuse    to    allow    the    use    of    this    material by contacting the Registrar’s Office in writing before the end of the second week of a regular semester or the end of the first week of a summer term.

It is official college policy not to release or provide any information when the request for it is likely to lead to commercial solicitation of various kinds.

Any items not listed here will be released only upon written consent of a student, unless expressly allowed by law and federal regulation.

Personnel of the College having a legitimate educational interest in the records of a student may have access to appropriate files.

In no case is information, beyond ‘Directory Information’ to be used or discussed or communicated beyond the legitimate educational purpose for which it was initially obtained.

To the extent allowed by law and regulations, Mississippi College may communicate, in the best interest of a student, with the parents of all tax dependent students.

If a tax dependent student is receiving financial assistance from someone other than his or her parents (corporations, banks, trust funds, aunts, uncles or grandparents, for example), or his/her parents even if not a tax dependent, and they request or require copies of grades and other evaluations, and the student finds it necessary to supply this information to continue to enjoy the financial assistance, it will be necessary for a student  to  execute  the  appropriate  forms  for  the  release  of  this  material  in  the appropriate offices of the college. Only in this way can or will such information be released to those giving financial assistance, as required by the Act of the Federal Congress.

Under the Final Regulations of the Act, the term ‘records’ accessible to the student DOES NOT include personal notes of the professor or administrator, records of the Office of Public Safety, employment records of any employee, medical records even though these may be reviewed by a physician of the student’s selection, alumni records, and records established and maintained on the activities and achievements of any former student of the College and any records excluded by law.

Information Other than Student Records

When off-campus individuals inquire as to the whereabouts of a student on campus, that information should not be released. If there is an emergency or a student needs to be contacted, the matter should be referred to the Office of Public Safety or the Vice President for Enrollment Services and Dean of Students.  Individuals within these  areas  will  ascertain  the  need  for notification of students and will notify students, should there by an emergency. Under no circumstances should a university employee inform an off-campus individual as to the whereabouts of a student on campus.

Right of the Institution to Investigate

The University reserves the right to make any and all investigations necessary including, but not limited to,  polygraphs, interviews, and on-premises investigation and inspection of any residence or living quarters on college property pertaining to alleged violations of this code, or vehicles, backpacks or other personally owned items that are located on-campus or likewise pertain to alleged violations of this code.

Appropriate Dress on Campus

In keeping with the ideals of Mississippi College, each student is expected to dress neatly and appropriately at all times.

Shoes should be worn at all times in academic areas, offices and dining facilities.

Regardless of the intent, display of the following is inappropriate on campus:

    i. Undergarments
    ii. Excessively tight and/or form fitting clothing
    iii. Clothing displaying alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, inappropriate language, or related graphics, 
        descriptions or logos inconsistent with the Christian mission of Mississippi College
    iv. Clothing that is lewd, derogatory, and/or suggestive

Responsibility for Personal Property

While students do have the right to choose to bring personal items for use on campus, they are responsible for the care and safety of the equipment. All buildings and areas on campus are secured to the extent that they can be.  Mississippi College cannot assume responsibility for personal items of students.  Students should mark personal items clearly and appropriately so that their identity is evident, should there be a question.  The College does not assume responsibility for the loss or damage to student’s property which occurs in college buildings or on college grounds.  The student agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the College from any suits, claims, demands or damages whatsoever, resulting from or arising out of the theft of or damage to personal property  or  injury  to  the  student’s  person,  family  or  guests  which  may  occur. Therefore, personal property insurance (which could be included in the parent’s Homeowner’s Insurance Policy) should be considered by residents should there be an interest in doing so.

Flyers on Campus

In order to keep a neat appearance on campus, various policies have been established pertaining to signs on campus. All promotional flyers must be approved by the Office of Student Life before they can be hung on any of the administrative or academic buildings on campus. To gain approval, bring the original hardcopy of the flyer to the Student Life Center (Back Patio BCR) to be reviewed and stamped. Flyers and/or the information on a flyer must be for an event or activity sponsored by a Mississippi College student organization or department. 

Once the flyer is stamped, copies can be made and flyers posted. If any flyers are hung without the approval stamp, they may be taken down. To hang flyers or promotional materials in the residence halls, you must get the approval of the Office of Residence Life (Student Life Center). Once your flyer is approved, you may turn in up to seventy (70) copies to the Student Life Center to be distributed by their staff to hang up in designated areas of their buildings. Residence Life staff members in each building have the authority to remove flyers that have not been approved. Be aware that approval may not be immediate. Please plan ahead. Students may post up to 75 copies of their flyer on approved academic and administrative buildings.

Hammock Policy

For the safety of our campus community, hammocks will be hung at height of no more than six (6) feet high at the center point while empty. Hammocks will not be secure to shelters or any other man made structure but should be secure to stable trees only.
Mississippi College accepts no responsibility for tree or limb stability or suitability for "hammocking" nor maintains or designates trees or limbs for this purpose. Consequently, students hammock at their own risk, which includes accepting sole responsibility for determining trees and limbs which are stable and suitable for bearing the occupied weight of hammocks. 

Chalking on Campus

Student organizations, groups and students running in SGA elections are not permitted to use chalk on campus sidewalks, buildings or other areas of pavement/cement due to cleanup issues.

Animals on Campus Policy


Mississippi College sets out certain limits and requirements for animals on campus to provide for the health and safety of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and for the protection of the University’s property and assets.  Mississippi College is committed to provide for the health and safety of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors and for the protection of the University’s property.  Animals can pose various health and safety concerns to the campus community such as allergic reactions to animal dander, excessive noise, animal bites, disease transmission (fleas, ticks, parasites, viruses, bacteria, etc.) and damage to property.

University Academic, Administrative, & Athletic Buildings

Unauthorized animals are prohibited inside University Academic, Administrative, and Athletic buildings.  Formally approved Emotional Support Animals are authorized for residence halls only.  Persons bringing unauthorized animals inside University buildings are subject to the same fines and sanctions as students violating the residence halls rules.

University Controlled Grounds

University controlled grounds are defined as outdoor space that is owned, operated, leased and/or maintained by Mississippi College. Small, domesticated animals are permitted on University controlled grounds; however, they must be on a leash and properly controlled by their handlers.  Animals must be attended and restrained at all times.  Animal owners are responsible for properly disposing of all animal waste.

Mississippi College will seek restitution for any animal related damage to University controlled grounds.  The repair or replacement cost of damaged property is the sole responsibility of the owner of the animal that caused the damage. 

Residence Halls

Animals are prohibited in all residence halls except for the few instances listed under the “Exceptions” section of this policy.  Animal related items, including but not limited to, crates, food, water bowls, kitty litter, and leashes may be deemed as evidence of animals in residence halls.


The only exceptions to the general rules are for the following:

  • Service Animals (dogs and miniature horses), subject to the rules and requirements in the Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy.
  • Emotional Support Animals for those students who have been authorized to have them in residence halls, subject to the rules and requirements in the Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy. Insurance is required for animals living in University housing.
  • Fish in containers of ten gallons or less; and
  • On-duty police K-9s or rescue dogs.
  • Research and Teaching animals.
  • Equestrian Team animals.

Animals Strictly Prohibited

In accordance with the city of Clinton Vicious Animal Ordinance, the following breeds of dogs are not permitted anywhere on University–controlled property:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Any dog who sire or dam is a dog of a breed which is defined as a banned breed of dog;
  • Any dog whose owner registers, defines, admits, or otherwise identifies said dog as being of a banned breed;
  • Any dog conforming, or substantially conforming, to the breed of American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or Rottweiler as defined by the United Kennel Club;
  • Any dog which is of the breed commonly referred to as “pit bull” or “Rottweiler” and commonly recognizable and identifiable as such; and
  • Any vicious dog which is found at large in violation of this Ordinance.

Additionally, animals such as poisonous reptiles, constricting snakes, and other potentially dangerous or aggressive animals are prohibited from all University-controlled property at all times.


Students who have complaints that they want to have addressed about any aspect of the collegiate experience have various means to submit those complaints. Academic matters should follow Student Complaints Policy 4.20 of the Mississippi College Policies and Procedures, which begins with the appropriate department chair or the chair of complainant’s major department. Other complaints should be referred to the appropriate supervisor of the area where the complaint is directed. If the student is unsure about the supervisor, the complaint may be submitted in writing to the Associate Vice President for the Student Experience and Dean of Students, Nelson Hall Room 313, Box 4064, Mississippi College, Clinton, MS  39058 or the Provost, Nelson Hall Room 111, Box 4002, Mississippi College, Clinton, MS 39058.

MC Alert

Mississippi College will resume normal operations Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Learn More