Veterans Outreach Office
The primary function of the Veteran Outreach Office is to certify enrollment to the Dept of Veterans Affairs for students that are using military education benefits at Mississippi College. In addition to certifying enrollment, the Veteran Outreach Office can provide information pertaining to veteran related services, veteran and dependent scholarship information, and general information pertaining to the GI Bill. Ms. Teresa Hill serves as the primary VA Certifying Official and Veteran Outreach Coordinator and can be reached at 601-925-3272 or at
In addition to our primary function of certifying enrollment, the Mississippi College Veteran Outreach Office is also committed to serving the needs of our veteran student and dependent population. It is our hope that you will feel welcome to call, email, or visit us with any questions, concerns, or needs that you may have. We will do our best to meet those needs, or put you in contact with someone or an office that can.
Mississippi College has long been recognized as a university with high academic standards, and Christian values. Not only is MC recognized for being an academically rigorous institution, but also one that is culturally diverse. Over the past several decades, MC has grown from being a small, homogenous college to a university with students coming from all over the U.S. and 27 countries. Incoming students may expect to encounter long nights of studying, learn to maintain work/life/academic balance, and also attend class in a culturally dynamic setting. Some of our students also wear the uniform of US military personnel. The MC Veteran Outreach Office will offer assistance whenever possible to ensure our veteran students have the tools and resources they need to be successful in a challenging, dynamic, and diverse academic environment.
Business Office
The Mississippi College Business Office is located on the first floor of Nelson Hall. Nelson Hall is located in the center of Mississippi College’s main campus in Clinton, Ms and serves as the universities administrative hub. The Business office’s operating hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM unless closed for scheduled holidays. The bursar can be reached via email at The Business Office website address is
The Business Office serves the needs of all MC students. Regarding veteran or dependent students, they also invoice Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation, and post payments for Chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, and Yellow Ribbon. E-Bills are sent twice per month throughout the semester to the student’s MC email account. Banner Web also serves as an electronic location to view statements. Monthly payment plans are available for students that want or need a flexible payment schedule. These plans are interest free, and are typically paid off within four months.
MC students are sent MC debit cards within two weeks of their registration. Students can select if they’d like to have their refunds placed on this MC debit card, sent to some other financial institution, or if they’d prefer to a check by mail. Students will need to select their refund method by following instructions that are sent with the MC debit card.
Student Counseling and Disability Services
Student Counseling and Disability Services are located in 400 Alumni Hall. Dr. James Strickland is the interim director and can be reached at or at 601-925-3843. The Student Counseling and Disability Services website can be accessed here.
Student Counseling and Disability Services serve students as they explore educational options, establish career directions and cope with personal adjustments. Because each individual is viewed as a whole person with personal and academic concerns that are interrelated, we offer a variety of services.
- Individual and group counseling
- Services to students with disabilities
- Referral Information
We are charged with protecting the rights of our clients. The information that we obtain from clients will only be discussed for professional and supervisory purposes. Records are not to be taken from the premises. Recordings used for training purposes will only be done with the written permission of the client and will remain on the premises.
Who are the clients? Any person who comes to us for services is considered to be a client. Services at SCDS are free of charge to any full-time Mississippi College student. Sessions may be limited, based on the caseload of the center per semester.
Should a crisis situation arise please notify the Security Office at 601-925-3204 and they will contact the on-call counselor.
Personal concerns of any type may be discussed privately with an experienced counselor. These concerns may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Serious concerns about a friend, roommate, or family member
- Alcohol and/or drug abuse
- Coping with a traumatic incident
- Suicidal thoughts
- Lack of concentration
- Relationship conflicts
- Stress
- Isolation and loneliness
- Grief
- Lack of confidence and/or self-esteem
- Eating disorders
- Test anxiety
- Sexual assault
- Phobias
- Family problems
- Unwanted pregnancy
- Depression
All information and communication between a student and counselor are confidential. Exceptions are made if the information is disclosed pertaining to the harm to oneself or someone else. This is mandated by law. No student record in the counseling center is used on any transcript.
Through career counseling, students are assisted in the clarification of values and interests, the identification of abilities, the choice of an academic major, and the analysis of career options.
Referrals to other agencies are made when needed.
Should a crisis situation arise, please phone the Security Office at 601-925-3204 and they will notify the on-call counselor.
Mississippi College has a tradition of providing assistance to students with disabilities. In addition to moral responsibility and the university's commitment to access, there is a legal imperative which is embodied in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
To comply with these mandates, Mississippi College ensures that comparable educational programs and services offered to other qualified students are available to qualified students with disabilities. A "qualified student with disabilities" is one who, with reasonable accommodation, can meet all of an educational program's requirements notwithstanding the disability.
To accomplish this goal, both physical and programmatic access is provided. This means that reasonable accommodations are made in the instructional process to ensure appropriate educational opportunity. This principle applies to teaching strategies and modes, as well as to institutional and departmental policies. It does not mean, however, those essential elements of a course or program will be deleted or substantially altered because of the disability. The objective is to assist the student in meeting established academic standards, not to provide a program different in substance from that provided to other qualified students.
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, he or she must schedule an individual meeting with Student Counseling and Disability Services (SCDS) before each semester or upon immediate recognition of the disability. The student must provide written documentation from a medical physician and/or licensed clinician that verifies his or her disability with recommended accommodations. Documentation must be current (within 3 years). SCDS will assist the student in notifying his or her professors about the recommended academic accommodations. SCDS is located in Alumni Hall Room #4. SCDS may also be reached via email at or by telephone at 601-925-3843.
Forms can be found on the Student Counseling and Disabilities Services webpage.
Student Counseling and Disability Services would like to remind students that are registered to receive academic accommodations to schedule a meeting with the office. Disability accommodation plans must be updated EACH SEMESTER. Adequate time is given to faculty and staff to make appropriate accommodations for a student with a disability and services cannot be given retroactively.
Career Services
The purpose of the Mississippi College Career Services Office is to train, prepare, and equip Mississippi College students for career and employment opportunities. This office is located in the basement of Nelson Hall. Ms. Shreve Bland serves as Director of Career Services and can be reached via email at You can also visit the Career Services website.
The Office of Career Services provides the following services to Mississippi College students and alumni:
- Help choosing a major
- Career coaching
- Resume review
- Interview coaching
- Online job board
- Annual Career Day
- On-campus interviews
Job search tips, dressing for interviews, and exploring careers by major are also some of the essential functions of this office. These services are provided to current Mississippi College students and alumni for up to four years after graduation. Contact the Office of Career Service to schedule an appointment.